how you met...

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yumeko: you met her through ryota

"for the last time i'm not interested!" you snapped at the boy who flinched at the loud tone. you never wanted to yell at him. afterall you had known each other for years, not really friends but more that strangers. but for the last few months ryota had kept asking you out and you were tired of it.

"w-why?" he asked, looking like he was about to cry. you sighed, running a hand through your hair.

"i like girls. i thought i made that much obvious." ryota's mouth dropped open but he didn't say anything. you would've laughed at his expression if your attention hadn't been caught by the black haired beauty who walked through the door. "ryota who's that? is she in your class?" you asked.

ryota followed your gaze, still in shock, and before he could answer the girl came up to them. "there you are i've been looking for you everywhere~" the girl said as she looped her arm around ryota's. "oh who's this?" she asked looking down at you as you were still in your seat.

"this is y/ln y/n, she's a friend." you made a face at that but dropped it when the girl smiled at you. "y/n-san this is jabami yumeko. she's in my class."

"nice to meet you jabami-san," you said, smiling at the girl. yumeko's eyes sparkled as she quickly corrected you to call her by her name.

"any friend of suzui is a friend of mine. do you want to join us for lunch?"

"i'd love to."

mary: you were a foreign student and she was assigned to show you around on your first day

"class today there's a new student!" the teacher called out, gaining the attention of the class. you stood next to him, arms crossed in front of you as you tried to hold up a threatening appearence. "she's a foreign exchange student but i expect you all to be welcoming. got it?"

"yes, sir!"

"you can sit next to saotome-san. saotome-san raise your hand." you made your way to the blonde who raised her hand, smiling when sitting next to her. all you received in response was a grunt. your brows furrowed as you pouted slightly before facing the teacher, not noticing mary watching you from the corner of her eyes.


it was lunch period and you were with mary in a garden. despite being rude to you in lesson, she refused to let you go off on your own. she had dragged you once the bell rang for lunch, ignoring who you assumed were her friends.

you sat across from her, your head tilted sightly as you watched her eat. mary's eyes met yours and she placed her box of food down, keeping eye contact.

"where are you from?" she asked, finally talking to you. you lit up when hearing her talk, smiling so widely that mary looked away from you to try and avoid some strange feelings she was getting in her stomach due to it.

"korea," you answered, leaning forward and resting on your hands as you continued to study her. mary was looking at you again but couldn't maintain eye contact for long.

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