three little words ➳ mary + kirari [pt.2]

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part two


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it had been a month since that encounter with mary and kirari had made sure that mary kept her distance from you, much to the disappointment of the blonde. mary tried every day to talk to you but with you by kirari's side all the time she found it hard too. kirari even went to the length of moving you to a different class so that you didn't see mary in lessons.

right now you were with kirari in the student council room. the rest of the council were either scattered around the school in their gambling dens or had gone home for the day, leaving you and kirari alone. kirari had brought her paperwork from her office to work on and you were lying down on the couch, legs sprawled out in front of you as you read a book.

"i'm bored," you whined, closing the book and turned your head to face kirari. the president chuckled and stood from her seat, making her way to you.

"lucky for you i just finished my work." kirari lifted your legs and took a seat, dropping your legs onto her lap. you lifted your head to smile at her. "what do you wanna do?"

"i'm kinda hungry."

"i just sat down," kirari groaned. you gave her a sheepish smile, muttering an apology. "it's fine. stay here, i'll get you something."

. . .

"what are you doing here?" kirari asked when seeing mary outside the student council room. she had returned from getting food for the two of you, the bag dangling in her hands, as she glared at mary.

"i want to talk to y/n. i know she's in there."

"like i'll let that happen," kirari scoffed, pushing past mary. her hand was on the door handle when something mary said made her pause.

"why do you even care?" kirari turned to face mary, her hand remaining on the handle.

"you hurt someone who loves you without a second thought. i refuse to let you talk to her alone, who knows what you will do to her."

mary scoffed, her foot tapping against the floor in anger. "this has nothing to do with you!"

"y/n is my closest friend so it has everything to do with me. i will not let you hurt someone i love again. i won't let her waste her tears on someone who isn't worth anything again. so if you do not stay away from y/n and if you try to talk to her again i will not hesitate to give you a life plan and ruin your life. understood?"

"fine! have it your way. i bet you're happy now that you've got her to yourself."

"why would i be happy seeing someone i love in pain?" mary didn't answer. she huffed, stomped her foot and stormed off in the other direction. kirari let out an amused chuckle at her childish actions before turning to enter the student council room. the chuckle fell short on her lips when seeing you standing next to the door, eyes wide in shock.

"y-you love me?" kirari sighed and walked past you, placing the bag on the table before facing you again.

"i do. i love you in the same way you love mary." you frowned. you didn't want to hurt kirari with what you were going to say. you were worried that if you told her you didn't feel the same your friendship would be ruined. kirari noticed your hesitation and smiled softly at you. "y/n i know you do not feel the same." she walked over to you and took your hands gently in hers. "it doesn't matter to me. as long as i can still be by your side, i'm happy."

"i'm sorry," you whispered, looking up at her with tearful eyes. kirari could feel her heart break from the fact that you didn't feel the same. she expected it but she didn't expect it to hurt this much. instead of showing it, she plastered on her famous cocky smirk.

"it's alright, darling. there's many other girls who want me, y'know?" you nodded hesitantly. kirari never fooled you when she lied but this time you didn't point it out. "now let's eat before the food gets cold."


a/n ; sorry it took long

this was v bad sorry

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