three little words ➳ mary + kirari

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"so? what do you think?" you asked your best friend excitedly, jumping from heel to heel as you waited for her response. kirari looked down at the box before at you, repeating the action three times and sighed.

"you interrupted my meeting for this?" you smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck. kirari chuckled at your actions and handed the box back to you. "are you sure about this? promise rings are a big gift."

"yeah! it's for our two year anniversary. it's perfect!" excitement was practically flowing out of you, so much so that kirari couldn't even be mad that you had stopped her meeting with the student council. "oh, can you give me a lift please?"

"a lift?"

"to mary's house. i don't wanna walk. please~?" you held your hands together as if begging, looking up at kirari with pleading eyes. kirari turned away from you, ignoring the flutters she got from the actions and nodded. "yay! thank you!" you hugged the president before she could object, pulling away quickly and ran out the room before she could yell at you for hugging her.

─── ° ✩ • ☽ ° ✩ • ───

"we're here," the driver announced, coming to a halt. your leg was bouncing with nerves and kirari noticed. she placed a hand on your knee, giving it a comforting squeeze. you turned to her with wide eyes and received a small smile in response. taking in a deep breath, you opened the car door and stepped out.

you were about to close the car door when you saw something that made you freeze in shock. the box fell from your hands, splitting the two girls in front of you apart. "m-mary?" you whispered, looking between her and the jabami girl, tears collecting in your eyes.


" and j-jabami?" you asked, voice cracking. yumeko was quick to take her leave, rushing into mary's house as you continued to stare at your girlfriend. mary hadn't responded. she knew it was pointless to lie or make excuses up but she couldn't bring herself to tell you the truth. she didn't need to, however, since you were the one to ask the questions. "how long?"


"how long have you been cheating!?" you yelled but you weren't angry. not really. you were, if to put it into one word, hurt. mary looked away from you as she answered;

"a year."

you could feel your heart shatter. you could feel the pieces fall to the ground. you felt the world around you turn grey and you felt the distance growing between you and mary. not wanting to spend more time in this situation you whispered, "we're done," before getting in the car again, slamming the door shut behind you.

you took deep breaths to try and calm yourself but it was no use. you broke down in seconds. the tears wouldn't stop flowing down your face no matter how hard you tried to control it. you thought you were a good girlfriend. you sure you were. you always put mary's happiness before your own so why? why did she have to cheat? with yumeko of all people. were you really that worthless to her? to everyone maybe?

kirari had never seen you cry. you were always like a ball of sunshine, making the best of every situation. yet here you were in her car, unable to control your tears, your body shaking with each sob you let out. she wrapped an arm around your shoulders and let you cry into your shirt. she attempted to soothe you by giving you head rubs but it made you cry even more.

"take us home," kirari said to the driver, her eyes never leaving you. she was going to make sure mary paid for this.

─── ° ✩ • ☽ ° ✩ • ───

kirari had taken you to her house and given you clothes to change into you. you had been there for three hours and for two of yours you couldn't stop crying. you had been watching a movie with kirari for the past hour but she had left to make something to eat and you were lost in your thoughts again.

the door opened and when kirari walked in you couldn't stop the words that were leaving your mouth. "why wasn't i enough?" you asked quietly, hugging the pillow firmly to your chest. kirari looked over at you, her heart aching at the sight of tears in your eyes again. "i...i did everything for her. i loved her so much and made sure to let her know. i love her. i-i gave her space when she needed it, was there to comfort her when needed, i never pushed her for anything and i did everything she wanted. w-where did i go wrong?"

"you didn't do anything wrong," kirari said, sitting down in front of you. she took your hands in hers and gave them a comforting squeeze. "don't ever think you did. you did everything right. it was mary who went wrong, not you. you were perfect. you are perfect. she was too blind to see that. she was blind to what she had and she's going to be the one to regret it."

"you think so?" you looked down at your lap, fiddling with your fingers. you didn't want to look at kirari because if you did you knew you would end up crying again. kirari noticed your fidgetiness and reached a hand out as if to pat your head in comfort but decided against it. she dropped her hand to her side.

"i know so. anyone would regret losing you." kirari hated seeing you like this. in this much pain. she hated that if she paid more attention she could've avoided it. she hated how mary treated you, cheating on you without a second thought. she hated this whole situation and how broken she knew you were going to be because of it. she knew how you loved with everything in you and, with you loving mary, there was no way that you would completely get over this. a two-year relationship can't be forgotten overnight.

"can i stay here tonight?" you asked, still not looking at kirari. kirari hooked her fingers under your chin and forced you to meet her eyes. "please?" you whispered when she didn't say anything.

"of course baby," kirari mumbled as she wiped away your tears that were falling. "do you want to cuddle?" you nodded. kirari took the pillow from your hands and set it behind you before lying down, patting the bed as a way to tell you to do the same. you lied down next to her, back facing her and she wrapped one arm around your waist, pulling you back into her as the other went under your head. "is this okay?" kirari asked, her breath tickling your ear.

"yeah," you said, eyes closing. "it's perfect. thank you."

you fell asleep quite quickly. it was no surprise - you were drained from crying for hours. kirari was still awake, her fingers tapping against your skin as she was lost in her thoughts. she snapped out of it when you whined quietly, moving more back into her. kirari sighed and tightened her grip around you.

"i love you." it was three simple words that kirari had never said out loud to you before. three words that slipped out without any control. three words that you would never say back to her in the same way that she meant it. three little words that could ruin everything. 

that night, holding onto your sleeping body, kirari decided that just being there for you as your best friend was enough. she was going to do everything to make you happy again.

it's what you deserved.

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