what they like about you...

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yumeko: she loved how humble you were. you would never boast about yourself no matter the win that you had gotten. you would never be arrogant or proud and, if you had a housepet, would treat them respect and made sure others did too. she loved how you never thought you were better than anyone else


mary: she loved how protective you were. you hadn't made many friends due to the language barrier. the only friends you had were mary, yumeko, ririka and possibly ryota. if you noticed that any were being threatened in some way you would make sure the other person know you were messing with you too


yumemi: she loved your honesty. you were always blunt and straight to the point which made her give up her act around you. if she did something you didn't like you didn't hesitate in telling her and she appreciated that


runa: she loved your kindness. you always helped others even if you didn't need to and you were always there for her if she needed you. you were kind but didn't let anyone take advantage of you and she loved that since most the student council only thought of themselves


kirari: she loved your unpredictability. everyone thought you were impulsive but kirari knew better. you always had a plan, no matter the situation. it was different to what was obvious to others and you never had the same strategy


ririka: she loved how you always stood your ground. in other words your stubbornness. it complemented her submissiveness perfectly. if someone were to pick on you, you were sure to match their energy and she loved that about you

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