when you become a housepet...

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yumeko: she was the one who caused it--went overboard in a match before forfeiting and the price of it was you

"how about..." the boy sitting opposite yumeko trailed off as he thought of something to use as leverage, something that he could win from her before his eyes landed on you, "your girlfriend. if you lose, she'll be the one in debt to me and my housepet."


"deal," the mentioned girl said without a second's hesitation. you knew yumeko was reckless, it was one of the things you loved about her, but you never thought she'd go this far. you never thought she'd be willing to gamble your life for a simple game.

. . .

you held the mittens tag in your hand, looking down at in with a glare. yumeko had been called away from the match early which the referee took as her forfeiting from the match. even though yumeko was in the lead by far, the boy she was playing against was classed as the winner and you were 1 million yen in debt to him.

"this is gonna be fun," the boy said, sneering down at you as you sat at his feet after he had pushed you to the ground.

you didn't share that sentiment

mary: she would ignore you since she taught you how to play the game you played with a definite win and you still lost

you didn't understand how it came to this. you did everything right, you did everything mary told you to, what she taught you, but you still had the humiliating tag around your neck as you walked behind your master.

it had only been a day since you lost to her but she was quick to put you to use by doing her chores, getting her food, doing all her schoolwork. whatever she needed, you were there to do it.

in less than 24 hours, mary had gone from being your girlfriend to someone who avoided you at any cost. you had tried to talk to her, of course you had, but she would walk away every time you approached her. she didn't even acknowledge your existence and you were stumped on what to do.

you were completely alone

yumemi: she would try to convince the council to pay off your debt when you become a housepet

"let me pay off her debt!" yumemi pleaded with the council. you had begged her not to but she didn't listen. theoretically, it was possible for another person to pay off someone's debt but the boy who was your master refused to take yumemi's money or any money from you now since he knew it wasn't yours.

"there's nothing i can do," the president said calmly, a complete opposite to how yumemi was acting. you were surprised by the way she was acting, honestly, since she prided herself in her reputation of being perfect but here she was in front of the president and vice president acting like a madwoman.

"you're the president! you can make it so i can pay it! just do something!"

"yumemi it's okay--"

"no!" you flinched back slightly when she yelled in your face. "it's not okay, it's complete bullshit and you know it! i am not leaving this room until something changes!"

you knew better to argue with her

runa: would be impossible since you're on the council

kirari: there is no doubt whatsoever that she somehow made you her personal housepet

"what is this?" you asked, barging into kirari's office while holding up the tag in your hands, ignoring sayaka who was telling you she was busy from outside. you slammed the door shut in front of the secretary's face before she could walk in, locking it so that she couldn't interrupt the two of you.

"it's exactly what it says on it."

you took a deep breath to calm your anger when kirari answered without looking up from her work. "and why exactly do i have a mittens tag that says property of the president on it? last i checked, i refused to gamble with you."

"you did but i am the president and i can do as i please." you felt a growl bubble in your chest as you made your way closer to her desk, her not even looking up from her papers. "since you're here run along and get me something to eat, hm? we have a long night ahead of us."

"ha, that's not happening." you threw the tag onto her desk, above her papers which finally made her look up to meet your gaze. she had never seen you look so angry with even veins sticking out of your neck, your jaw clenched and your hands curled into fists so tight she thought you might make yourself bleed. nevertheless, she stayed silent. "never, and i mean never momobami, pull a stunt like this again. if there's one thing i can't stand it's people who abuse their power for their own personal benefit."

you didn't bother waiting for her reply before leaving, pushing past sayaka once you left the office who was yelling at you to respect the rules and mind how you talk to the president of the school

ririka: you already were a housepet when she met you.

A/N updating after seven months bc why not

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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