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Shit, shit, shit, shit was all that ran through my head as I stood behind the opening door things... after walking out of them may times I still didn't know what they were actually called.

"Guys!" I muttered to my 4 other friends.

"What?" they all asked looking at me.

"I really need to eat, like now!" I said panicking, when I'm nervous I like to eat, who am I kidding, I just like to eat because I can, I would be lying If I said food wasn't my favourite pass time.

"Calm your farm!" One of my new best friends, Lucy,  shouted shaking me around by my shoulders, she was a brunette, her eyes are a dark brown  to match and she is one of the best people I know, you know, shes nice, like, really really nice actually. She 's a soft soul.

"Were going to be on any second, pull yourself together!" My other friend Hope yelled she was trying to hide it, unlike me but you could see she was also panicking.

 Hope's hair was dirty blonde, she liked wear heavy eyeliner which made her dark brown, almost black eyes stand out, but she looked kinda punk I suppose, maybe not, maybe it just looks like she has deivl eyes, eitherway the she didn't look right without eyeliner.

I turn and faced the doors ready to get on stage, then all of a sudden I heard the host, "Welcome to the UK X Factor finals 2013! I'm your host Dermot O'Leary" I blanked out and the nerves built up inside of me.

"Shit, shit, shit!" I muttered, I was legit going to pee, right here, on the stage, for millions of people to see.

"Keep your cool," Nicole laughed, my other band member, she was also a brunette with light brown eyes and her hair was wavy fading down into a lighter brown, she was absoultely stunning and I felt like I had major competition standing near her.

"I'm trying. " I squealed, I was the worst person with nerves unless I had a slice of pizza in my hands.

"Can't lose what she never had," Indi muttered jokingly, refering to the fact that I wasn't cool, which, actually I was and she was just jealous.

Indi is blonde like me, her blonde is a dirty blonde where as mine is a striking bright blonde, she has bright blue eyes, where mine are blue with yellow on the inside so from a far distance they look green, unlike me she has a very pale look to her skin as she was very fair but that still doesn't stop guys falling at her feet and adoring her every minute of every day.

"I heard that!" I snapped towards her.

"Never Named!" The roar of the crowed built up and all of a sudden the music started, our song began to play and I sware I peed a little, okay, I didn't because I do have some bladder control but I tell you now, I could have and would have peed.

"Shit," I said one last time before the doors opened, then I started to sing, "You're insure, don't know what for, your turning heads when you walk through the door," the crowd cheered, the song was extremely popular at the moment and apperently so were we so it was a good match. "Don't need make up, to cover up," then all of a sudden I was joined by a voice, a male voice, I swung round and my eyes almost popped out of my skull, the boys, my inspirations, I could have peed even more at his moment.

Wait, wait, wait. You're properly like who the fuck is this freak? My names Louise Johnson, so let's start this off from the beginning shall we?

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