Chapter 11

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Louise’s P.O.V

I slowly walked up to the open door and peeped in, my eyes tracing the room, there was Louis and Lucy cuddled on the floor, their faces squashed together the way toddlers hug, then there was Zayn and Nikki, Zayn was sitting at the end of the sofa with Nikki leaning over him on the arm of the sofa looking at something on his phone both of them laughing. Indi and Liam were in conversation like always and smiling like goofs, there was Harry and Hope who were both poking one and others dimples god knows why though… I moved my eyes around slightly and took a few steps forward then noticed from what I could see Niall was nowhere to be found, I let out a sigh of relief and hobbled in.

“Thanks for waiting for me!” I sighed as walked in; I received a chorus of ‘Louise!’ and ‘Sorry’

“Just because I don-” I was cut off by someone else talking

“Harry where is you-” He froze midsentence when he looked up and saw me as he walked in the room, I stiffened and my eyes widened everyone else in the room fell silent, their eyes glancing between us two Irish ones as his eyes hit the floor, I noticed the tension and awkwardness building up, so I ignored him and broke it

“Uh, Where’s your bathroom?” I said, trying not to show the annoyance in my voice

“Up stairs on the left…” Harry sighed.

I turned around and looked at the stairs, then groaned. Everyone else went into their own conversations again as I hobbled over to the stairs and threw my crutches up the first part, their stairs where made of a light wood, there banisters were a metal pole with glass filling the gaps it was quite nice, the stairs had 2 sections, a first part, a flat part and then another part that changed in a different direction, kind of like an L I guess. After the crash of my crutches everyone fell silent... Again, I sat down on the stairs and shuffled myself up them backwards slowly.

“What are you doing?” Zayn said trying to hold back a laugh

“Going to the toilet" I grumbled as I reached the flat part where I picked up my crutches and threw them up to the top of the stairs and repeated my current movements.

“That’s a creative way of getting up the stairs…” Louis stated obviously amused by my way of travelling

“You should try it sometime” I said sarcastically as I reached the top and picked up my crutches.

I made my way to the left to see a bathroom; of course I didn’t really need it I just wanted to get away from Niall, I can’t stand tension or awkwardness, but I guess it’s going to be like this for a while. I decided to look around, there were 4 other rooms up here, each one huge, I walked to the closest door first and it had a sign on it that read ‘Sexy Styles Room’ I chuckled to myself and hobbled along a bit further, then there was another sign on a door ‘Sass Masters Room’ I guessed that was Louis’ and rolled my eyes in amusement, I went to the door across the hall from it and again, there was another sign that said ‘Irish girl’s, Lucy Cray’s’ I see what they done there! Because her last name is Mai and Cray means crazy this was a good word for Lucy. ‘and Happeh Hope’s Room’ I laughed and figured I was sharing with Hope and Lucy. I guess the last room was for Nikki and Indi.

As it was my room I decided to go and have a look, I twisted the door knob and slowly pushed the door open, My eyes widened at the sight, there were 3 single beds, they were light wood and had canopies above them, the sheets each had their own patterns, one had clovers on them which I guessed was mine (Go figure) The other two had white and pink sheets on them. We each had a white wardrobe. I looked down to a white carpet then over to the pink walls but what really caught my eye was the huge window taking up nearly the whole back wall, I hobbled up to it and pressed my face against it as I looked out. It was amazing, we were on the top floor which meant we were high up, the view was mental, I could see so much of London here all most all of it, and below the window was a ledge, one you can sit on like you see in the movies. I knelt on it so when I pressed my face on the glass it was more comfy rather than leaning over it, lucky for me my cast only came up to the bottom of my knee, so it didn’t hurt too much to kneel and I placed my crutches next to me.

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