Chapter 5

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Nialls P.O.V

“I hope you’re alright with dogs” she smiled as we walked up the path to her house

“Yeh, I love dogs!” I smiled as Louise unlocked the door

“I’m Home!” she shouted.

all of a sudden there were sounds of something running, like a horse maybe? A big ginger dog flew round the corner and jumped up at her licking her face, glad to have her back

“Hey boy! Alright alright get down!” she laughed “Niall this is tango, Tango don’t eat him” the dog walked up to me and sniffed wagging his tail happily I stroked the top of his head

“He’s Huge! I don’t even have to bend down to pat his head” I smiled.

the dog walked of happily then a lady who looked about 30 years older than Louise walked round the corner.

“Hey Kiddo!” she smiled pulling Louise in for a hug.

“Hey mum, This is Niall.” She smiled pulling away and gesturing to me

“Hello Mrs Johnson” I smiled and she pulled me in for a hug to, I hugged her back

“I know who he is; you never shut up about him! Niall did this! Niall posted this on twitter!” Louise blushed slightly “Please! Call me Steph, Louise do you want to show Niall to your room? He can stay there, you two can figure something out!” she winked at us, I chuckled.

“Well, okay then, thank you for having me” I smiled

“Any time kiddos, dinner will be ready in an hour, go sort yourself out” she smiled and walked off.

I followed Louise up the stairs, they had their bathroom at the top and you walked round the corner to two other big rooms, one being Louise’s as she walked in there and the other being her mums I guess. I walked into her room, I smiled it was full of pictures of One Direction.

“You sure are a fan” I laughed, what I liked about her was she was a fan, but she kept her cool… There’s a lot of things I like about her actually…

“Haha yeh, sorry about that… Um you can take my bed, I’ll have the floor” she smiled

“No its okay, I’ll take the floor” I smiled, I would offer to share a bed, but I don’t want to be to forward

“You won’t be to forward!” she laughed… Oops I said it out loud.

“Oh aha, I didn’t mean to say that out loud” I laughed, slightly embarrassed

“It’s okay, well then we can share” she smiled

“Won’t your mum mind?” I laughed  “I don’t what her to think I’m like all the other boys out there, trying to get into girls pants”

She laughed too “Nah, mum won’t care, as long as we use protection!” she laughed referring to her mums texts earlier, I laughed to.

“I’m being serious though.” I smiled. “So what do you  want to do to pass the time?” I asked

“We could play 20 questions” she suggested sitting down on the bed

“Sure” I smiled as I joined her “You first” she thought for a moment

“Okay so, this is harder for me as I already know a lot about you” she smiled

“Okay me first then… What’s your favourite restaurant?” I smiled

“McDonalds!” she giggled, then there was a shout from down stairs

“DINNERS READY! IT WAS SOONER THAN I THOUGHT!” I guessed it was her mother .

at that we were both up and down the stairs, the table was laid out and in the middle was a large bowl of Spaghetti Bolognese

“I’m not sure how much you eat so help yourself” she smiled as we all sat down at the table.


It was 10:30 and we were lying in bed, both shattered and talking.

“I’m so glad to be home” she smiled her hands behind her head

“I bet. So when do I get to meet your friends?” I asked… she stayed silent

“I haven’t got any… I was home schooled” she sighed

“Oh, well I’ll be your friend!” I laughed “when we head down to mine you’ll have to meet Kelly, she’s my childhood best friend.” I smiled into the darkness

“Sure thing” she said.

“So if you were home schooled, does that mean you never had a boyfriend” I asked slightly curious

“Nope” she said popping the p “Never had a boyfriend, Never had sex” she said yawning

“Really? Well if it makes you feel better I’ve only done it a few times” I laughed

“Haha, I can’t believe I hardly know you and here I am telling you all these things about me. Well I know you quite well but we haven’t been friends for long” she stated tiredly

“haha it’s not about how long you have known someone, it’s about how well you connect, I guess we just connect well” I smiled.

The bed moved around, so I guessed she was moving. I could just about make out her shadow in the darkness she was on her belly propped up on her elbows.

“I guess you’re right, the girls connect with the others pretty well, the more I think about it the more I realize the media was right about us being female you” she chuckled talking about our bands

“Yeh I guess” my phone went off, so I read the text.

Listen the magazines are going on about you and Louise dating even though we all know it's not true, its bringing in a lot of press for both bands, so channel 5 want to do an interview with you two, not as a couple, but if they say anything deny it, because if you two get together later –which we all know you will- then it will keep the media hook on whether or not you two are dating, we will be at Louise’s at 12 tomorrow, be ready- Paul

“Who’s that?” she asked, I could see her face now because of my phone light

“Paul, me and you have an interview tomorrow at 12, he says the media is going crazy on the idea that we could be dating, he said deny anything if they say so, because if we get together which he reckons we will then it will keep the media hooked” I sighed, she just smiled

“Well, okay dokay, so what’s your best friend like?” she asked

“Well, she really likes me, if you get what I mean, but let’s just say don’t get on the wrong side of her, she has a dad that does things, if you know what I mean, and if something is done she doesn’t like she will take revenge” I sighed

“Oh seems like a lovely girl" sarcasum dripping from her voice "anyways I’m off to sleep. Night Nialler” she yawned and the bed done a bit more moving around before it stopped

“Night” I smiled and then I fell in to a deep deep sleep.

********************************************************************************************************************** sorry its so short, I am really tired and i might as well put the interview into the next chapter, let me know what you think! keep reading its going to get good ;)

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