orion academy map + history

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1. The Grand Quarter or Alnilam

The Grand Quarter is the oldest and the most important building of the Orion Academy. Before being an academy, it was built by King Leonard of Kingdom Skydale. In a war between King Leonard and his rival, the palace was destroyed before being restored by Mr. Sitara, the founder of the Orion Academy.

   It is where all the lectures take place. The ground floor has sports equipment room, the administration quarters, the library and Headmaster's office. The first floor has all the classrooms and labs. The third floor is prohibited for the students. It is accessible only for the inner circle of the faculty and they need a pass to enter.

2. Mintaka

Mintaka is the residential quarters for the first and second years. First half of the teaching and non-teaching staff lives here. Mintaka has a Housekeeper and her name is Melanie Hathaway.

3. Alnitak

Alnitak is the residential quarters for the third and fourth years. The second half of the teaching and non-teaching staff lives here. Alnitak has a Housekeeper and his name is Ken March.

4. Lake Sirius

The area was gifted with a beautiful lake long before it was the academy or the palace. The name of the lake was Leo before Mr. Sitara renamed it after the brightest star, Sirius.

5. The Orion Woods

The whole green area which surrounds the Orion Academy are The Orion Woods. A few acres of the land was owned by Mr. Charleston, a close friend of Mr. Sitara who later gifted it to his beloved friend to serve as a purpose to students studying botany and other subjects. The Orion Woods are accessible only from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

6. The Main Entrance

Archeologists believe that the Main Entrance was a high wall and served as a protection during King Leonard's time but it was never confirmed due to lack of evidence and allegedly being destroyed in the war. Mr. Sitara later built it again, making it stronger than ever.

 Sitara later built it again, making it stronger than ever

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so, um what do you think?

I know the map is a little sloppy but in my defense, PicsArt stopped working when I was almost done ergo, I had to do it AGAIN.

I was extremely sad and mad. If I were Jake Peralta, I'd say I'm smad but I'm more like Amy Santiago so I'll just say that I was disgruntled (yes, I love binders and being organised. I also have minor OCD and no, that's not just because I like to clean. there are plenty symptoms of me actually having OCD).

nevertheless, if you're planning to make a map, here's a tip: don't. Don't do it unless it's necessary or you're vella ( it's a Hindi terminology which means unemployed).

anyway, I hope this map + history clears any and all confusion. if not, ask me:)

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