01 | a dead party

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"OH, MY GOD. You're killing it!"

Not a human, don't worry. It's just Aphrodite being Aphrodite.

Aphrodite's loud excited voice startled Yumi who was whirling in her newly tailored dress. Yumi's cheeks coloured as she took a step back, shrinking under her roommate's gaze.

"Thank you," Yumi whispered. She lowered her head and dusted her white dress with fake daisies to avoid making an eye-contact with her roommate that she has almost never had a proper conversation with.

Aphrodite plopped on her soft bed. She crossed her long left leg over her right one and shifted all her body weight on her right hand which rested on the bed. Her eyes were still on Yumi's dress, clearly impressed by her roommate's talent.

"Damn, Yumi. You design better than half of my designers. You should consider changing your major." She reached to the nightstand and grabbed a lollipop.

Oh, yeah. Aphrodite was loaded and she wasted no opportunity in showing it. From freshly designed outfits to modern technology--she had it all. Sometimes, she wanted none of it. But other times, she didn't complain.

"I can't. My parents want a doctor in their house, not a designer," Yumi muttered in dismay.

Aphrodite's eyes softened as she sucked the round strawberry flavoured ball sticking on a white stick. "Ow, that's sad. I wish there was something I could do to cheer you up." Before Yumi could reply, Aphrodite bounced up to her feet and clapped. "Oh, wait. I know what to do!" She strutted towards Yumi and squeezed her shoulders. "There's a party tonight. Let's go there!"

Yumi shook her head.

"Oh, c'mon! We've been roommates for a week and we barely know each other. Maybe this party could bring us a step closer to our friendship."

"Don't you have enough friends already?"

Yumi knew how many friends she had. She always saw her with someone or the other. And as far as she could tell, Aphrodite's limited presence in their room was probably because she spent most of her time with her friends that she had instantly managed to make in the orientation week--a talent Yumi could never possess even though she--

Oops! I was about to overshare. My bad.

"Ah, well. I can never have too many friends." Aphrodite's lips begin to turn red and sticky. "Are you in or not?"

"If that's what you want." Aphrodite grinned as her hand slid down to Yumi's arms, making her spin along with her.

"Woah, Woah! The head is spinning!" Yumi said when the spinning got faster. Aphrodite paused, her grin only getting wider.

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