16 | how far would one go

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"OKAY SO PETER Kevin lives right..." West narrowed his eyes and studied the street. He raised his index finger and pointed at the third trailer in the trailer park, "...there." He read the address from her dairy again and bobbed his head in confirmation.

Aphrodite slumped her shoulders. She could hear her heartbeats reverberating to her ears. If West was any closer, she was sure he could hear her. Aphrodite had tried her best to hide the truth from him but so far, he wasn't even a little convinced. He kept asking intruding questions and she wasn't fond of that.

"Can I come too?" He asked.

Oh, boy. That would be troublesome.

"No way!"

West shrugged. "Ay, why not?" He frowned. "I wanna see who this mysterious friend of yours is."

He wasn't believing her. His questions made that pretty clear.

"I'm not even sure if he remembers me," Aphrodite began. "And I don't know if he even wants to meet me. He probably doesn't remember my name or who I am." She let her shoulders fall at the thought. She hadn't even realized that it was the truth until she said it out loud. She wasn't sure if Peter wanted to meet her. What if he shoved her away from the door? What if refused to remember her or worse--what if he tells her mom? It was a bad idea. She had spent her last week digging the address of all the Peters that lived in town but now when it was time to knock on the door--she wanted to chicken out.

"What are you waiting for?"

"I, um." She lowered her gaze. Her fingers twirled against the hem of her loose pink t-shirt. Anxiety started to build up in her chest, making her stomach churn. "I'm scared."

For a moment, West remained silent.

But then he sighed and rubbed his forehead. He was going to regret telling her this but he wanted her to know. She wasn't the only one searching for something or someone. "For all my life," he started, "I've been told-- West, do this. West, do that. And like a loyal puppy, I listened to everyone. I was--" He swallowed. "--I am a crowd pleaser. My life has been based on other people's opinions. My mom thought it would be nice to take karate lessons, so I did. My dad thought I needed to earn some money, so I applied for a part-time job. Lex thought I should try basketball in high school, so I did. I never said no but then I met someone." West could feel Aphrodite's strong gaze on him. "And we clicked.

"She was beautiful. And kind, and she let me be...me. But in the process of being with her, I realized that I was hurting someone else, so I cut all my ties with her. Aphrodite," he paused to look at her. Her ocean blue eyes were glimmering with hope. And for a second, his heart warmed up at her undivided attention. "If you think that Peter is someone who makes you...well, you--you shouldn't be afraid. The universe always has new ways to bring people together."

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