05 | wish I could stay in bed all day

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WAKING UP TO a phone call early in the morning was not how Aphrodite pictured her Thursday morning to begin. The last thing she wanted was someone interrupting her beauty sleep. Her hand reached for her phone that buzzed on the nightstand. Her eyes squinted at its brightness. She was about to decline the call but her vision adjusted and saw the name flash on her screen.


She huffed and swiped to attend the call. "What the hell, Josh? It's seven in the morning. Why are you torturing me?" Despite being dehydrated and woken up less than two seconds ago, her voice was surprisingly good.

I wish I had that power.

Her step-brother chuckled. "Because I need to talk. Are you free today?"

"No," she lied. She had finished her assignments on time. She had just three lectures today and had no test scheduled for the next two weeks but she wasn't going to give him what he wanted so easily. He disrupted her sleep, he shall suffer.

"C'mon, man. It's important. Can we get lunch together?" Joshua's voice was desperate which meant only one thing; he wanted something from her.

Had he found out about Aphrodite being the successor of The Black Hole? How could he? That's not possible. From what her brother had told her, The Black Hole was very strict about being an extremely private society. But keeping the secret away from her brother, who was obsessed with the Black Hole, was hard. They always crossed paths in the hallways. He would give her a chin-down nod, acknowledging her existence and in return, she would smile. But for the past three days, her smiles had been dry. The secret was growling in her stomach. Regardless, she couldn't risk slipping out of the Black Hole because she couldn't keep a secret.

"You and me. Together at lunch. In college. That's new." She used humour to deflect from the serious question.

She pictured him rolling his eyes. "It's important, Aphrodite."

Babe, you have no idea what's coming.

"It's about Peter." He finished.

There ya go.

At the mention of his name, Aphrodite sat upright. Her throat tightened as her mind wandered off to all possible scenarios that explained what the hell Joshua knew about Peter. It was the last thing she expected coming out of his mouth. And it was arguably worse than him finding out about The Black Hole.

"How...tha--" She croaked. The voice that stumbled from her mouth was unrecognisable. Unlike her smooth buttery voice a moment ago, it was dry and throaty. She cringed at that sound.

"I know."

After a long pause, she answered, "I'm having lunch with my roommate. Meet me at 5 p.m., today at your residential quarter's cafeteria."

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