43 | are you shocked or shooketh

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"THAT is what you're wearing for the event?" Aphrodite said as soon as she and Yumi reached the boys who were standing near the entrance of Grand Quarters. She looked at the boys from toe to head with distastement. "We're meeting the members of The Black Hole and you decided to wear sweatpants?" She shook her head in disappointment. "Gosh, who am I even best friends with?"

"Yeah, yeah whatever--" West rolled his eyes as he tucked his hands in the deep pockets of his track pants. "--don't forget that they've murdered one of the students."

"Why can't you be any louder?" Karan grinned sarcastically. "Puri duniya ko hi bata do!"

{Translation: Tell the whole world that or Let the whole world know that}

"Dude, we don't understand Hindi," Yumi reminded him, a frown on her face.

"Why else do you think I speak in that language?" Karan said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

He ain't wrong, though.

"Ugh." Lex groaned. His face was half filled with boredom and half of exhaustion. "Let's just go inside and get it over with it." He spun around and began walking inside. Aphrodite chewed the inside of her mouth, still reeling from the conversation they had today. What could Lex possibly do that he thinks would make Aphrodite hate him? She could never hate Lex--not when he makes her forget about the horrible things Aphrodite had done. She couldn't gulp down the feeling that she had felt the moment before she threw the matchstick on Jessica. Or rather--she couldn't gulp down what she didn't feel.

She wasn't scared then. She wasn't feeling guilty. She didn't even blink when the matchstick was thrown. She just watched the fire swallow Jessica--leaving her nothing but charred flesh and bones.

Aphrodite's friends and her were now pillars of the same house. If one goes down, they all fall.

And, maybe it wasn't her secret that she was protecting now. It was all of theirs.

The security guard gave them suspicious looks as he watched them walk in. It wasn't 11 p.m. yet so they were allowed to access the Grand Quarters. The sound of their footsteps hitting the tiles reverberated throughout the silent hallways. Lex glanced at the security guard again before pulling out the keys to the sports' room.

Props to him for being the captain.

The keys jangled against the metal door before he pushed it open. He held the door and let his friends walk in first. He pepped outside, rechecking the security guard again. He closed the door behind him and walked towards the trophy shelf. Aphrodite slid the glass and looked for the right trophy. She pulled the hatch behind the trophy and pushed it open. The shelf rumbled at her push. They all walked inside the dark room.

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