36 | the light in the darkness

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SHE made her way to sit beside Karan with a bottle of Coke. He flashed her a smile. The students from Braxtonford University sat on the opposite of the court. Unlike Aphrodite's expectations, the opponent University's students didn't bail on the match. If Aphrodite's boyfriend and one of her best friends wasn't on the team, she was sure she would. She knew nothing about basketball. She knew the strange basketball terms that Lex used sometimes and that it involves a lot of dribbling and putting the ball in the basket.

The court was filled with bellows and laughter, so Karan yelled, "Where's Yumi? The first half is over."

"I don't know."

She really didn't. Aphrodite waited for Yumi to come back, hoping that she could tell her about Lex. She didn't expect Yumi to accept them, she wanted her to lash out on her. She wanted it. She needed it. She was being selfish again. Riley's voice reminded her of that every second. She was corroding everyone else around her, even the light sitting beside her--Karan.

Yumi never returned last night. And even if she did, Aphrodite had fallen asleep. When she woke up today morning, she was welcomed with emptiness again. She was alone.

Her eyes fell on Lex and she found him staring at her. He was soaked in sweat. He flashed her a smile, his eyes glimmering at her. Aphrodite's heart lightened momentarily. From the little that she knew, Lex had been doing pretty well. They were behind by a couple of points but Aphrodite was sure that Lex would make everything right.

She wasn't sure she believed herself anymore, but she believed him with all of her little rotten heart.

"So you two a thing now?" Karan murmured. "Gotta admit that you two are pretty cute. I would like to take the credit for your relationship."

"How so?" The second half started.

"It was me who made you realize that you have feelings for him. Ay, look--" Karan pointed at Lex. "Lex has the ball. He might be our saviour tonight," Karan said, referring to the game.

She wished he could save her too but, unfortunately, she was a lost cause.

A few slam dunks were made and now the last few seconds were left. Orion Academy's Blue Lions needed one more dunk to win the game. The ball was tossed between two players in red jerseys aka Braxtonford University's Red Thunders. A red hot chip jumped with the ball to score for a goal, but a Blue Lion leaped to slap the ball just before the ball could score in the basket.

The Blue Lion passed the ball to someone else. Lex ran to catch the ball and was about to throw the ball on the basket when he was blocked by two Red Thunders. Last ten seconds were left. Lex glanced at Aphrodite who was sitting at the edge of her small seat. She gave him a small nod when Lex threw the ball to his side, catching the Red Thunders off guard when West caught the ball and scored the last winning point.

The crowd erupted in cheers and flew from their seats to run towards the winning team. West was on other team members' shoulders as everyone cheered their name. Aphrodite dashed towards Lex and hugged him. He pressed her lips on her neck as she climbed on his waist. She needed his comfort. It was the only thing holding her. He was her only hope. She could never let him go.

"I promised we would win," he said as they pulled apart. His hand circled around her waist as he held her tight. Aphrodite pressed his lips to him.

"I never doubted you." Aphrodite smiled. "I think I may be falling for you."

She couldn't, no, she didn't want to hide it from him. She wanted him to know what she felt for him. It was too early for her to admit her feelings but there was no point in waiting. If he wanted to run away, he would've done that long ago. And Lex may be an athlete, but he wasn't a runner.

Lex's lips curled upwards. "I think I am too."

Aphrodite pushed herself down and landed her feet on the tiled court. Lex was still holding her tight. Not that she was complaining. "I'm looking forward to her date tomorrow," he added.

I wish they could hear me laugh right now. Because I am. Have their fucked up lives taught them nothing at all? Poor, kids. They never learn, do they?

"The team is going for a celebratory dinner tonight. You wanna tag along?"

"No." she shook her head. "I need a bit of sleep. I am a little tired."

Lex frowned. "Anything I should be worried about?"

Aphrodite kissed his nose. "Nothing at all."


Aphrodite yawned as she gazed at the clock. It was past seven. She had started to get worried about Yumi. No one goes for fresh air for that long. But Yumi's bed was made, unlike the morning which means Yumi was here. She should have gone looking for her but what Yumi needed was a peace of mind and so did she.

Right when Aphrodite's back hit the soft bed. Her phone vibrated. She quickly pulled it from her pocket, relaxed that Yumi had finally decided to respond to one of her texts. But Aphrodite stood upright as she read the text that was from someone she did not expect--at least, not at this hour.

Her lips quivered as she mouthed every word that the text said.

Her lips quivered as she mouthed every word that the text said

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header image by Markus Spiske.

who do you think has texted Aphrodite? any expectations?

I'll assure you one thing: it's happening;)

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