49 | sorry and other heavy words

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PAIN shot from her head as her vision began to clear. Aphrodite rubbed her eyes and fluttered them open. A figure formed near her bed. A woman stood close by, wearing a coat and holding a tab in her hands.

"Oh, good afternoon, Aphrodite," The woman said with a soft smile. Aphrodite furrowed her eyebrows when she saw flower bouquets and chocolates lying on a table close to her bed. The woman followed her gaze and smiled even more. "A lot of admirers, huh."

"Am I dead?"

The woman chuckled. "Just sleep deprived and dehydrated, I am afraid," she said. "I am Doctor Wheeler. Could you tell me what's the last thing you remember?"

"I--ah..." The memories of her last consciousness flashed in front of her eyes and she groaned. "I remember fighting with my...ah, brother and then I went to my room and my roommate...she said something."

"Good, that was yesterday evening. It's the next day now. Don't worry, your family has been informed and once you eat something, you'll be good to go. Your mother has contacted your brother. He will pick you up and take you back home. You are extremely weak and dehydrated with little to no food in your system. It will be best for you to return home for a few days. Your brother will tell you the rest."

"Did you not hear me when I said that the last thing I remember is fighting with my brother? I doubt the fight was resolved while I was asleep," she said sarcastically. "I may not be dead but a five hour drive with him sure sounds like Hell."

"I assure you he wants the best for you."

"Yeah, of course. Why else would he hide things from m--" Her sentence was cut short when the door of her infirmary room opened and Lex walked in a look of relief flashing over his face. Doctor Wheeler stepped away when Lex closed the space between them and hugged Aphrodite. "Oh, good. You're okay," he whispered in her hair. He planted a kiss on her forehead and pulled apart. "You scared me, Aphy. I am sorry I wasn't there for you when it all happened. I am."

"What are you talking about?"

"Joshua told us everything about your dad."

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

Doctor Wheeler stepped out of the room without a word. Right when she opened the door to exit the room, Joshua popped in. He tentatively walked closer to her bed, his eyes refusing to look at Aphrodite. But his sister, on the other hand, was enraged. "Just because I was mad about you not being honest with me, doesn't mean you have to be transparent to everyone," she scoffed at him.

"Look, Aphy, I am s--"

"Leave it, Josh. I don't have the energy to argue with you. All I am saying is I am not going home. I have a midterm paper to submit and a semester exam to give. Tell mom I am busy."

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