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This isn't a chapter and I apologize to all. I will update soon . This is just a brief description and a visual of what the characters Jade, Bella, Roxy, Dominique,  and Alli look like. These young ladies are actually my best friends. Were practically the hugest Im5 fans. We Dance and act. The two vertical rectangular pictures  are  Jade and Alli . The first one is Jade which is actually me . The second one is Alli, she is just gorgeous. The 3 little squares are the obvious Bella, Roxy, and Dominique . The first square is Dominique, the second one is Bella,  the third one is Roxy. Aren't they stunning ?   Also, I want to give a shout out to Roxy's Im5 fan fiction . It's absolutely amazing it's called Dance camp and she has another one called "Expect the unexpected " . Yeah check them out . I'll update soon thanks for all you're support on my book .
~Erika Donis

IM5 Fan Fiction. Heartless? Don't you mean Hopeless?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora