Chapter 13

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Alli P.O.V

"Did you just say ship!?" I shouted in excitement as Will curled his arms around me.

"I certainly didn't say chips." Jade replied.

"It is a boat, but it's so far." Roxy added.

"I'll swim to it." Jade confidently volunteered.

If you knew anything about Jade she was the most generous girl you'll ever meet.

"You're short, the waves are pretty strong." I stated worridly.

"I love you all and I'm willing to do it ok?" Jade demanded.

"I won't let you do it!" Roxy screamed.

Jade began running tremendously fast in the water and began to swim.

"Jade come back!" We all screamed.

I began to panic but Will hugged me tight as I melted in his arms.

"It's going to be ok babe, just calm down I hate seeing you so stressed, it makes me nevous. I really care about you and plus you're going to get wrinkles on your forhead and pimples." Will said in a joking manner.

I laughed a cracked a half smile, Will always was an Albert Einstein when it came to making me happy.

"Hey guys have you seen Jade?" Dana questioned.

"Oh yeah she's right over there deep down there in the ocean." David obnoxiously replied.

Everyone looked at David with total disgust.


"Sorry bro Hope for the best." David replied as he gave him a pat on the back.

"Finally something helpful came out your mouth." Bella added.

David looked at her with a confused face wondering if he had said something wrong.

"What's going on guys." Dominique questioned.

"Jade is swimming for a boat, so we can get rescued." Alli replied worridly.

"OH A BOAT, SHE'S DOING THIS FOR US." Dana added shockingly.

"Woah." Dominique chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Roxy snapped.

"Oh, nothing." Dominique said quickly.

"I'm going after her, no one stop me." Dana demanded.

Everyone looked amused, no one realized how much Dana cared for Jade.

Jade P.O.V

It's really hard to swim out here, my arms are getting tired but I know that I have a go al to complete. The boat is moving quickly so I had to pick up the pace. There I was neck and neck to the boat and I started shouting help. Suddenly it began to rain and it began very hard for me to see.

"Jade!?" Dana shouted.

"Dana?" I curiously yelled.

"I'm coming!" Dana replied where he was still pretty far from me.

Lucky for me there was a sailor in front of me.


"NO PROBLEM, CATCH THIS LIFE JACKET IT'S GETTING ROUGH OUT THERE." The sailor yelled as he held on to the deck because the wind was blowing strong.

Dana arrived right by my side as the sailor threw the life jacket.

I strapped the life jacket on Dana pretending that I've already got one. The boat began to turn around while Dana climbed the boat.

"GRAB MY HAND!" Dana shouted.

Suddenly, as I reached out my hand a waved swept me under. Dana thought I had a life jacket however he began to realize I haven't gotten back up. He dived in and saw I was slowly sinking down and carried me back up and dragged me on the boat.

Roxy P.O.V

"SHE DID IT! The boat is coming, get ready everyone." Roxy excitedly added.

Everyone screamed out of joy and the boat finally arrived and we all gathered on the boat in happiness.

"GUYS, she's unconcious!!!" Dana panicked.

IM5 Fan Fiction. Heartless? Don't you mean Hopeless?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora