Chapter 7

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Dana's P.O.V

I kept glancing at Jade as she dived in search of food for all of us. All I can say is

"Isn't she generous?" That's one of the reason she drives me crazy.

As I glanced over at Will and Alli, I can't help to laugh. Will is just so random. Roxy and Gabe are just day dreaming, what a surprise. Bella and David are sweet talking and last but not least the lovey wovey twins Dominique and Cole. I felt bad that Jade was really working hard to keep us alive so I went and help her.

"Can you guys please look for rocks and sticks to make a fire?"Dana asked.

"Why, do I look like your slave?" Dominique jokingly replied.

"Nooo, but Jade sure is looking like one, quit your jokes and get looking." I laughed as I half smirked. As they gathered the wood I went in the water with the hunting stick Jade and I created and began to help her.

As I saw a fish I stabbed it with the sharpness of my stick. Jade began to proceed deeper in the ocean and my biggest fear was her drowning. A big wave had hit her as she plunged to the bottom. I looked around and panicked, I haven't seen her anywhere. Suddenly, I felt something touch my leg. I was frightened. 2 seconds later Jade came up with 3 medium sized fish on her hunting staff.

"OMG thank god you're ok, I thought I lost you, you scared me half to death." I cried.

"It's ok, let's get cooking cutie." Jade blushed. We swam out of the water and saw Roxy and Gabe gathering wood, Will and Alli collecting rocks and Dominique and Cole gathering logs to sit on.

As Jade and I started cleaning the inside of the fish, Roxy and Gabe started the fire, basically arguing about who carried the most logs and the others decorated our dining room out of our natural resources.

We all sat down while Jade served us. The sun settled and the moonlight beamed onto the island., making it look enchanting.

After we were done, Will started singing. As Alli joined him, Will grabbed her hand and they sang

"Stay With Me" in unison. Jade went for a walk and I decided to join her. Cole and Dominique were playing tic tac toe in the sand and Roxy and Gabe were talking about superheroes, who would win in a battle Captain America or Batman!

All I can say to Gabe right now is Captain America all day.

"Jade wait up!" I yelled as I grabbed her hand. She slowed down and looked at me as she had a seat on the sand.

"What are we gonna do now? How are we going to get out of here!" Jade worryingly cried.

"We will figure something out." I exclaimed as I stroke my hands throw her hair. Jade laid on my lap as we dazed of at the moon. Our eyes met and I said

"No matter where we are and what happens, my love for you begins at forever and ends never." I moved in a little closer and Jade smiled so hard. We slowly moved closer and it ended perfectly our lips touched and after a few seconds we hugged and held hands as we went back to out fort to sleep.

I can hear Roxy and Gabe still arguing about the super heroes, however Gabe seems to be losing. I glanced over to my right to spot the others just having a great time like we're suppose to.

Looks like we're taking this so well, but this isn't how we want it. We need a plan big and fast.

IM5 Fan Fiction. Heartless? Don't you mean Hopeless?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora