Chapter 15 ~ What Now

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Gabe P.O.V

At last we've return to Hollywood. The sun is shining brighter than I've ever seen it shine. The smile and laughter of young children. The smell of McDonald's made my stomach dance. I've never craved for anything more. Everyone was still on the boat asleep so I decided to wake Roxy up and go to my place where there was definitely fresh clothes and fresh food.

"BATMAN WAKE UP." I yelled jokingly.

"Call me that again and I'll take a bat and beat you like a man." Roxy sassed.

"Sorry, sorry geez Captain America." I apologized.

"Don't be sorry just don't do it again Batman." Roxy winked.

" OK Bat-I mean Captain America.'' I exclaimed.

"Very funny." Roxy replied as she rolled her eyes.

Dominique P.O.V

The feeling of the sun burning my skin was a feeling I've never felt in a long while. I unraveled myself from Cole and began to stroll around thinking. I walked slowly and stopped to see Dana and Jade cuddling through the window. Jealousy climbed up my body and I don't even know why. I've decided to throw a rock at the door to wake them up.  I grabbed a medium sized rock from the shore and threw it at the door. I quickly headed back to Cole arms and pretended I was asleep.

Suddenly Cole woke up.

"What was that! Are you OK?! Is anything broken?! Tell me youre OK!" Cole worringly questioned as he felt every part of my body to see if I was injured.

"I'm fine love, don't worry it was just a rock that magically flew on board." I replied in guilt.

"Well if you say so, let's walk to the IM5 cove and freshen up." Cole added in confusion.

We've walked a couple of blocks to the IM5 cove to see that Roxy and Gabe has already beaten us to it. They just smiled at the TV for some reason. I entered the room and sat on the couch to notice they were watching Eyewitness News.

"The ten teenagers who have been missing two months ago have been found by a fishing crew. The crew men say a young girl by the name Jade had swam to the boat asking for help for her and her friends.  Jade nearly drowned, however she didn't die. She was saved by a young teen that goes by the name Dana Vaughn's Famous Band Boy Star. More Information on this Later, On EyeWitness News."

"Isn't this a miracle." Roxy cried of joy.

"It really is." Gabe added.

"And Its all because of Jade." Cole proudly stated.

"Well why don't you date Jade?" I yelled as I stormed upstairs where I made my way to the bathroom.

I can hear Cole run after me but I opened the shower and let the water run so I couldn't hear him as much. I removed my clothing and begin to bathe.

"Well I eonder what's her problem." Cole sighed in shame.

"It's not you, trust me." Roxy patted his shoulder.

Alli P.O.V

The smell of Hollywood welcomed me. I'm home and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

"Will wake up! Where is everyone?" I said curiously.

"To be honest, I don't care as long as I'm with you nothing else matters." Will whispered as he rubbed his eyes.

His words gave me chills, he always knew what to say. I tilt my head at the unusual rock on the ground. It made a huge dent on the door where Dana and Jade were staying. I slowly walks towards the door and take a peek in the room. And there they were, Dana and Jade still sound asleep. I threw the rock back into the water and pulled Will up with me.

IM5 Fan Fiction. Heartless? Don't you mean Hopeless?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora