I'm A Nervous Wreck #9

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This is written by @8_days_a_weeke on Instagram. Go check her out!!


He remembered the way they used to talk. It used to come so easy, words spilling from their mouths as they talked about nothing and everything all at once.

Oh God, he missed that. He missed it.

Brendon and Ryan haven't talked in a month. It's been awhile.

They said it wasn't on any bad terms. But oh man, did they lie.

Some days Brendon got sad and would curl up in his bed, sobbing, he just wanted his friend back.

He didn't mean to fuck it all up. He didn't. But he did.

Some days Brendon got mad. Pissed. He would shout random curses about nothing and throw things. He needed his friend back.


Brendon and Ryan haven't talked in a year. It's been getting better.

Sometimes he gets sad again. It pulls at his heart strings, but one glance at Sarah, it all fades.

He knew now it wasn't his fault. He didn't fuck up. Neither of them fucked up.

Every now and then, Brendon still got pissed. His chest would flair up with anger he felt used by Ryan. The flames of anger never lasted long.


Brendon and Ryan haven't talked in two years. Thoughts of Ryan didn't pass through his mind anymore.

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