Hate To See Your Heartbreak - #10

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Ryan had just finished announcing his product line over Twitter as he heard a knock on the door. He opens it with caution. No one ever comes to his house, "Hello!!" Said a hyperactive young man. "Um-" then he barges in. "I'm Brendon. Your new assistant, Z Berg sent me!" Of course Z did. "What'd she send you for?" I ask. The dark haired man replies with "to take you to the party for your product line!" I growl and tell him, " I told her I'm not going! I don't want to!" I whine like a baby until he says, "well ... There's cake?" I roll my eyes. "Whatever. Fine" I say. Not bc that boy gave me doe eyes, it's bc Z would get pissy if I didn't. We get in the limo and it's a fucking 20 minute drive. Brendon tries to make small talk, " so I heard your line is eco friendly? I like that you care about that stuff. Re really nice of you t-" "can you shut up please" he nods, then continues, " I'm sorry I hope it's okay. I need this job so I-" "please stop talki-" "but it's like I can't do some-". Our words overlap until I get so fed up I just kiss him. When I pull away he's to stunned to talk. "Are you done talking?" Brendon just nods. "Good"

A/N: I've been gone sorry. But I'm back!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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