Stella, Won't You Take Me Home? - #7

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Brendon's POV

We were in a meet and greet with this chick who likes to squeal, a lot. I was drifting into a daydream as she approaches me with pictures. She hands them to me and asks
"can you draw one for me?" Draw what? I look down and see the art, they're really doodles, I drew about 7 years ago. I sit down and grab her paper to sketch one out. I draw three lines and I just can't.
"Can I ask where you found these?" I say to her. She replies with a shrug. "I'm sorry kid, I-I," I barley stammer out as I rush out to the stock room for this tour. I curl into myself as I shake. A few tears roll down my cheeks as Dallon walks in.
"Brendon?" he whispers. Fuck.
"Over here" I whisper back in a horse voice. He staggers toward me and squats down to rub my back. I jerk away.
"Brendon, what happened out there?" I answer with a shrug. "Brendon." He says in his 'mom' voice.
"I drew those f-for, him." I mutter out. I look up and his mouth is in an 'o' shape.
"Okay bren, you have five minutes, then you have to come out. Alright?" he says.
"Yeah" I whisper. He acts like my mom sometimes. He leaves and I just choke out my sobs.


Ryan's POV
* two months before *

I try to upload my album art to my new soundcloud song. I click the file and press enter. Success. I sit back in my chair and wait for the views to come. I start to drift off, when I hear a PING!! (a/n I know soundcloud doesn't do this) Yay! 20k listeners. I pull the page back up and . . . Fuck. Shit shit shit! I run to my phone and call Z. "Z, help! I put the wrong art on my music cover thing!" she tells me to relax, and I reply with "I CAN'T Z! IT WAS BRENDONS ART!" I hear her say shit, and since she knows my password, I hear clicking, deleting my mistake. It was too quiet. "Hey Z? um I-I wanna see cough him."

Yeah um back. Also I think I might write a real fanfic to this one. So comment what you think I should do. Cool sorry. Lots of shit. Mainly I was grounded. For reading fanfiction XD. Oops. And now I'm in therapy for looking at "porn" (it's really just fanfiction)
-xoxo Peyton

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