The Bridesmaid is a Whore = Ryden Story #3

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⚠️⚠️⚠️ !!! WARNING BELOW !!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️

This story will have trigger warnings such as cutting an suicide refrences, if you are scared or don't like these things do NOT read. Thank You!

Dear Ryan,

How are you, love? I miss you lots, still. I hope you remember me up there in heaven (you probably are my guardian angel any ways). I will see you very soon, my love. Very, very soon. even though I deserve hell, I'm sure you'll convince god otherwise (you always were quite persuasive). I love you my knight in shining armor see you soon.



Quietly I set down the note with care, and start my walk home. Humming a tune as I swiftly walk down the street to my end. I was planning to comment auicide when I got home. Why? you ask, well because the only thing worth living for is gone, my ryan. Once home I sharpened my blades and checked to make sure my noise was tight enough. I wanted to suffer before I died because Ryan suffered, and it was my fault. Before you say "I'm sure it wasn't your fault" stop and listen to my story. Ryan is dead cause of me.


Laughing as we sang his favorite song, I saw bright lights. We turned on to oncoming traffic. There was no escape I looked right at Ryan and said "its going to be okay" and he nodded back with a look of despair, knowing it wouldn't because a car had just left its original spot and slammed into Ryan side of the car. The doctors say he died a slow and painful death in the passenger seat, while I was unconscious.


I could have saved him if I hadn't hit my head. It's all my fault wig is why I need to suffer and die too. I slowly slit my wrists pressing hard, feeling my pain. Then weakly I stood on my chair and looked at the noose. All I a sudden I see someone, no! it couldn't be! it was ryan! "r-r-ry? is that you?" I ask "yes Bren it is, I'm here because you can't do this, it's not time. You WILL have a future, with kids and grand kids, you'll meet a perfect man and adopt some cute little children who otherwise would die without you, so please call jon, or spence and ask for help, before it's too late, I love you my angel, I love you. And wih that he disappeared, I don't know if I was dreaming or not but I decided I needed help so I drag my almost bled out body tithe phone and called jon "help." I said in a weak voice, then fell into a deep slumber. The next thin I know is I'm in this hospital, but I know that I need to be strong, because Ryan told me that I have a future he wants for me, so I will live it for him.


A/N: kinda crappy idk when @panicattheross is gonna write but soon. Ok ily y'all follow vote and comment love ya

P.s I didn't edit it sorry!

P.p.s follow @divergentfob I love her story numbing humanity kk bye for now

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