Only Exception #5

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i woke up this morning to something i didn't expect, ryan was still here from last night.not only that, hes smoking in my bed with super hot sex hair and my big tshirt. he is looking out the window and puffing out a gentle cloud.i want to turn around to stare but if i do he'll hear and stop smoking.i slowley move without so much noise, mission failed. he jerks his head to face me. Fuck. I smile at him, he just nods to me. I sit up and ask him "how are you this fine morning?" he just grunts. "Babe, I thought you were gonna go home last night?" I ask him. He whips back around to me and glares "so now I can't even stay overnight with my boyfriend!? what? you gotta hit date today or something!?" That could've gone better. He turns away putting his cigarette on the ashtray. I sit next to him and wrap my arms around his waist as be goes stiff. I put my mouth to his neck and mumble "babe, you know that's not what I meant." He moans at the touch and nods. I mouth at his neck and breath out a hot breath. I pull him back on the bed. We tumble down as I grin when I land on top of him. He laughs and looks away. "C'mon baby, look at me" I say pulling his chin to face me. His lips line up with mine perfectly as I push down to kiss him. "Mhmm" I hear him groan. He pushes me up and I feel rejected. Until he pushes me back down and straddles me. I wink at him. He giggles. Ryan grinds down on my crotch. "Fuck, ry! I fucking l-love you." I tell him. My emotions overtake me and I flip us over, taking control. He's wearing MY boxers and MY shirt, while I'm only wearing boxers. I tease Ryan a bit and tug on his shirt "hmmm. This shirt is awfully cozy, butttttttt I'd rather have it off." I state as he giggles. I pull it off of him, a little roughly. I throw it across the room with our other clothes from last night. I pull open my right drawer and pull out condoms and lube. I toss them next to me as I bend down and bite at his neck. I get an approving groan from ry. I feel a smile pull at my cheeks. I stand up and pull my boxers off, slow enough to give Ryan a show, but fast enough to take care of business. He watches me with his pupils about the size of the moon. I pull his boxers off too and I look up and ask "do you really need prep?" with a smile. He shakes his head, so I get to work putting the condom on and lubing up. I gently line up and push in slowly. Ryan just tugs at my shoulders to pull me in more. "You sure?" I ask him and he replies with "Brendon Boyd Urie, I swear to god, if you don't stick your fucking dick in me I will cry!" I laugh and push in all the way. Ryan groans and I grin. I start thrusting in and out gaining speed as I crawl my hand up to his dick, and starts jerking him off. We moan together, feeling his tight ass take me in. "Come on baby, almost there. Almost!" I almost yell at him. He nods and I feel his ass clench and he loses it. I am not far behind as I explode. I pull out and clean us off. Then I collapse next to him. I kiss his lips then Ryan curls into me and says "I love you too, Bren." I smile as we fall asleep.


I walk out of the apartment to get food three hours later and my neighbor, mrs. Colman, gives me a disgusted look. Okay? I walk a little farther and she says "keep it down next time, brendon!" that makes more sense now. I laugh all the way to the market.

(A/N) GUESS WHO'S BACK!! yep I'm back!! I have lots of news. I restarted my schedule and I am super happy and officially one day clean! I hope to keep this going. Also I hope you all know how much it means to me when you comment, vote and ESPECIALLY when you add my story to your readin list. I get so happy! and shout out to @elzfitz . she is one of my best irl friends. Her story (shattered) is really good and it inspired me to come back and write. SO CHECK HER STORY OUT!!! kk bye lovelies!!

Xoxo peyton

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