At Your Window - Ryden Story #2

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This couldn't be happening, "Brendon, we, we can't do this anymore. you just have changed, I mean it's not bad being different, but I'm sorry we have to break up." "B-b-but Ry, I-I love you, Ryan you said forever, y-you said, YOU SAID RYAN, WE WERE GOING TO BE FOREVER!!" I shouted at him. we were fucking on a date, well about to drive to one at least, and he springs this on me, so we're sitting in his beat up impala, (A/N: yes I stole it from supernatural, I just love dean.) and he tells me "hey we gotta talk" then tells me I've changed. "Brendon I'm just gonna drive you home, ok? don't call or text either. Bren it's not yo-" OF COURSE ITS ME, RYAN! ITS ALWAYS ME, IM SUCH A FUCK UP, BELIEVING THIS WAS FOREVER. NOTHING I LOVE EVER LASTS, THEY EITHER LEAVE ME OR DIE, JUST LIKE MY DAD! YOU ARE MY DAD JUST GOT AND LEFT BECAUSE I WAS GAY, AND MY MOM, OH M-my mom. she just left" I say sorta choked up. "That wasn't your fault Bren, she had cancer you can't control that." Ryan stated. "I'm j-just, um, c-c-can you just drive me home now?" By home I mean my crappy apartment with my only friend, spencer.
*one awkward drive later*
"Bren, I'm sorry but don't call, ok?" I just nodded and left slamming the door behind me. When I got to the apartment Spence and his girlfriend were making out, when I saw that I just sat on the couch and burst into tears. "Brendon? I thought you were on a date with Ry-" "NO! HE-he doesn't love me anymore" I replied, ending quietly. "He didn't, did he? oh he is dead, when I'm done wit-" "spence just drop it, there is nothing you can do" he just replied by nodding in an understanding but angry way. after that I just slept, slept for days, until spencer woke me by slamming the door and bursting into my room. "that little bastard. Do you know where I was? no? well I was at Ryan's, he IS JUST AS MUCH AS A MESS YOU ARE. HE TOLD ME THE ONY REASON HE BROKE UP WITH WAS BECAUSE HIS MOTHER, HIS MOTHER MADE HIM DO IT, I WALKED IN ON THEM YELLING BECAUSE SHE MADE HIM DO THAT, BUT the good news is he kicked her out of his life, he's free! you guys can date again, so go get 'em tiger!" spencer declared. "No, he doesn't want me. he never did." "ok, whatever, I don't care anymore." and on that he left, not coming back except to bring me food I don't eat.

*a few hours later, at night time*

Wait,is that music I hear? is that, no it can't be, my heart will go on? t-that's the song that R-Ryan and I made love to for the very first time. (A/N: I know I know shut up I think it's cute) it's coming from, from outside my window?!? "Bren?" I heard a soft voice call to me from my window. "Open the window, Brenny!" it's Ryan, of course. I went to the window and opened it. "what do you want!?" I shout from my second floor apartment window. "Brenny, did spencer tell you what he saw, about m-me and my mom?" "Yes" I answer with a shaky voice. " Brendon, I LOVE YOU A-AND I DONT CARE WHO KNOWS ANYMORE. IM SORRY!!" Ryan says as he puts up a ladder and crawls up, carrying a bouquet of roses I didn't notice he was holding. " Bren I'm sorry, do you forgive me?" he asks while thrusting the roses into my hands. I set them down, and sigh. "Of course Ryan I never could hate you, yes Ryan, yes I LOVE YOU AND I DONT CARE WHO KNOWS!" I shout into oblivion (and his face a little bit.) "SHUT UP!!" screams the little italian guy from next door (who's name I think is frank). "SORRY!!" I say to frank, then look towards Ryan and say "I forgive you, now get in here before you get pneuma!" after that I'm sure we woke up spence from the loud sex we had in my bedroom.


HAHA so many references. I suck at editing soooo yeah. This story I wrote because @panicattheross was busy so se couldn't also please share this story with people!! ily my one follower!!

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