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"yes y/n i remember, the ceremony starts at 2:00pm and i should be there at 1:20pm so i can save seats for everyone. we've had this conversation at least 10 times this past week." akaashi sighed into the phone.

"i knowwwww i just want everything to go correctly- WHERE ARE MY SHOES?" i started scrambling around for my heels.

i heard akaashi laughing on the other side of the phone. "you'll be fine (y/n). i'll see you later, love you."

"i love you too! see you later." after akaashi ended the call i went back to look for my shoes. "where the hell could they be?" i asked myself as i lifted up the cover so i could check underneath my bed.

"hi sweetie i was just waterproofing your shoes for today. here you go!" i let out a sigh of relief as i saw my mom in the doorway holding my heels.

"you made me nervous! i thought i lost my shoes." i pouted as i took the shoes from her.

"you're too stressed. it's not like you're giving a speech...you're walking across a stage." she crossed her arms and looked at me.

"but what if i like trip or something. it's gonna go viral and follow me forever...just like that one time at the chanel show when i almost fell off of the runway. or what about-" i got hit in the face with a pillow.

"stop complaining." miles yelled from outside my door.

"STOP YOU COULD HAVE MESSED UP MY HAIR!" i glared at him. "alright that's it. let me finish getting ready~" i pushed everyone out of my room and locked the door. "maybe letting them stay at my place wasn't the best idea."

akaashi's POV

"bokuto are you ready? we have to leave like now, to be on time." i said as i adjusted my clothes in front of the mirror.

"alright i'm ready!"

i looked over at my friend to make sure he was wearing proper clothes. it looked good so far until i got to his shoes. "you can't wear sneakers to a graduation ceremony." i sighed.

"well i didn't pack anything else!"

"why would you not pack dress shoes? y/n didn't wear sneakers to your ceremony." i gave him a blank stare.

"I"M SORRY! lets just ask kuroo if he has some shoes...yeah!" bokuto started heading out of our hotel room to kuroo and kenma's next door.

shit. if he doesn't have extra shoes, which he probably doesn't we're gonna have to call y/n...not looking forward to that.

"..he doesn't have any extra shoes..."

"...well call y/n and tell her that you don't have shoes." i said trying to avoid talking to her about this knowing she would be mad.

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