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i asked while poking him in the back as he put on his shoes.

"sure! you're on y/n!"

once we got outside we got in position to race. "tsukki do the countdown!" i yelled out to him.


"finneeee asahi do the countdown!"

"on your mark, get set, go!" asahi yelled and me and hinata were off.

"haha i'm winning!" i yelled until i saw kageyama pass me.

"not for long!" kageyama said as he passed me.

"HEY NO FAIR YOU DIDN'T SAY YOU WERE RACING!" i yelled. i began to speed up and so did hinata he started passing us. i started running faster leaving kageyama behind and daichi yelling at us. i was just following hinata. until he stopped so i did too.

"hinata...where the hell are we?" i asked after we stopped.

"nobody's back there? is this path the wrong way?" hinata said.

"well i wouldn't know i was following you!" i exclaimed but hinata wasn't paying attention. i looked to where he was and saw a boy and a cat.

hinata began to run to the boy. "hey what are you doing?" he asked causing the boy to look back. the boy looked really familiar. so i walked up to him too.

'his name is on the tip of my tongue! was it kendall! nooo. uhhhhh oh kenma?'

"kenma? is that you?" i asked with a slight smile on my face.

"y/n?" he asked

"YAYYYY KENMA!!!! what are you doing here?" i asked throwing myself on him for a hug.

"i'm lost." he replied

"good! we are too!" i beamed. hinata kept asking kenma questions until he finally introduced himself. i just sat on the ground and watched them with a smile on my face as they kept talking.

"hey kenma!" a loud voice came from behind me so i turned really quickly to be met with... 'ahhh what was it kuroo tetsurou?! let's try that, lmao.' "kuroo?!" i said with a big smile on my face!

"if it isn't y/n l/n the model herself!" kuroo said as he picked me up into a hug.

"ahhh i missed you guysss! wait!" i said as he put me down. "let me get your numbers so we can stay in contact!" i said with a big smile. they gave me their numbers and they were off.

the suga found us. "hey! we were looking all over for you two!" i ran up and hugged him.

"thanks for finding us! it was all hinata's fault!" hinata the. started apologizing profusely to which i laughed.

after we got back to where we were staying and i went to sleep. getting lost can really tire someone out fastttt.

at the gym for the match

as i was walking into the gym tanaka, and some weird bald headed bleached hair guy were sizing each other out. hinata was freaking out so i was laughing at that. until that bald kid (whose name was yamamoto saw me and kiyoko. he then started yelling. i turned to face him quickly with kiyoko. his heart practically jumped out his chest.

"oh yeah easy on the eyes"
"ah thats that american model"
"love me a girl manager"

i scrunched my nose at these compliments. they didn't feel the same as the ones i would usually get. they were more, embarrassing.

as i stepped into the gym i saw keishin and coach nekomata talking. "oh yeah shits about to go down!" i said to myself with a not so friendly grin on my face.

the boys were getting ready to play as i sat on the bench swaying my feet as i thought of a song. "dancing in my room, swaying my feet, tryna give you love..." i sang to myself (aidan is my bf💕).

"let the practice game between karasuno high and nekoma high officially begin!"

i popped in my airpods and watch them game. usually zoning out though the entire thing. usually only looking up when i saw coach nekomata doing something i thought was sus.

turns out karasuno won! wait no actually we lost!

"you guyssss-" i paused thinking of what to say. "ah fuck i don't know what to say." you let out a nervous laugh. "you guys played a really good game! now you know what you need improve on and perfect." i said with a smile and a thumb out.

they all just looked at me with pity smiles. "AHHH I KNOW IT WAS BAD! that's was such a corny pep talk." they started to laugh so i laughed with them. soon the nekoma and karasuno teams were mingling.

"KUROO AND KENMA YOU GUYS ARE REALLY GOOD AT VOLLEYBALL!" i shouted. "who knew you guys were so good?!" i said jumping on kuroo' snack and ruffling kenma's (greasy) hair. we then fell into a conversation about what i've been up to since i saw them last and about our old memories.

you used to see kuroo and kenma when you went to tokyo on the weekends when you were younger.

as i was talking i heard some yelling. i turned to the equipment closet to see tanaka screaming at yamamoto. i laughed at what i saw and went back to my conversation.

"hey y/n i'm gonna add you to this tokyo group chat i've made. we have our school and fukurodani in it so it should be fun!" kuroo said okay.

"okay for sure put me in it!" i exclaimed!

as we were leaving i looked over and saw yamamoto and tanaka crying. i quickly averted my eyes cause what the fuck. then i turned and saw daichi and kuroo in a really aggressive hand shake. same for my cousin. just stared in amusement.

as we were leaving i think the other team finally noticed me because there eyes widened when i yelled goodbye. my face dropped as i ran back to my car as fast as possible and drove away as they tried to follow me. i yelled out the window!

"bye guyssss i'll see you later!"

when i got home i hopped in the shower and put on my pajamas. when i got out my phone was going off. 'ahh shit did i post something bad?' i reluctantly went to open up my phone.

you have been added to a new group

shii this one is kinda short butttt akaashi will come in next chapter and you'll probably see him in person soon!

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