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ainu apologized  bowing her head and fumbling with her hands behind her back.

i got up from the couch and made her stand up.

"it's fine. you just asked a question. i mean if the news kept making claims and i had the chance to ask the person myself. i would." i gave the girl a soft smile and she smiled back.

"guys breakfast is ready!" akaashi shouted from his kitchen.

"come on y/n let's eat!" ainu insisted.

i waved my hands and shook my head.

"i'm....i'm fin-"

i started to get light headed and dizzy again. i began to wobble.

"akaashi somethings wrong with y/n!"

akaashi came running into the living room.

"y/n! are you okay?"

i kept wobbling and stumbling and slurring my words.


i fell down hitting the floor.

akaashi pov:

"Y/N?! AKAASHI WHAT DO WE DO." my sister screamed while panicking over y/n. i quickly grabbed her shoulders.

"ainu. you need to calm down and go call an ambulance."

"what ab-"

"i'll stay here with her and try to wake her up. now go." i directed sternly. my sister nodded and went off to find a phone.

i then turned back to y/n. her body laying on the floor. she was still breathing.

"okay that's good." i said to myself. i started to shake her lightly.

"y/n come on wake up now! y/n come on!" i said as i became more panicked. then ainu came into the room.

"is she breathing?" i nodded as a response as ainu responded to person on the line.

i quickly put my attention back on y/n.

"y/n come on wake up! the ambulance will be here soon!" i started to feel my heart clench as y/n stayed unconscious.

"the ambulance should be here soon..." ainu said as she gasped for air while crying.

"hey come on now she's gonna be fine." i said trying to reassure my sister. ainu let out a sad smile and began wiping her eyes.

5 minutes had passed and finally the ambulance was here. ainu quickly scrambled to open up the door as i stayed by y/n rubbing circles on her hand with mine.

"alright step out of the way." me and my sister did as the emt's said and allowed them to load y/n into the ambulance.

"can we go with her to the hospital." the emt nodded and me and ainu hopped in the back of the truck.

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