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double checked that i had everything and got off the plane after my flight. as i was walking of the plane i started to hear people talking again.

"wow is that y/n?"
"i wonder what she's doing here."
"didn't she runaway from her parents or something?"
"ah she looks so pretty!"
"i wished i looked like y/n."
"ahh should i ask for a picture?!"
"i think she looks fatter than usual-"

'oh wow ouch' i thought to myself.

"um excuse me."

i looked down in front of me to see a girl wow looked to be about 13.

"ah hi how are you?" i asked the girl with a smile.

"hi i'm such a big fan of you! wait you are y/n right?" i nodded my head and giggled. "oh okay just making sure," she giggled, "may i please have a picture with you?"

"yes of course!" i posed for the picture with the girl then gave her a hug.

as i got to baggage claim i was swarmed with paparazzi.

'damn they seem more annoying than usual. i wonder what's going on?'

i quickly grabbed my bags and made my way out to the car my parents sent for me. the driver came and took my bags. i thanked him as he put my bags away. i rushed into the car and let out a sigh. i heard someone laughing so i looked to my side-

"MILES?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" i exclaimed as i hugged my friend. i haven't seen miles since i was back in america. we were both models growing up so he was like one of my only friends.

"well someone's happy to see me!" miles said pulling me back from the hug to look at me. "ah you're still so cute." he said with a smile.

i turned away embarrassed. "oh looks like you're still a flirt?" i giggled.

miles and i ended up catching up all the way to my parent's penthouse. during this conversation i learned that we would be doing more shoots together and shows so that means we get to see each other more.

as i arrived to the penthouse i ran to the elevator pushing the buttons excitedly.

"y/n! you're gonna break the buttons chill out!" miles said slinging his arm over my shoulder.

"ahh i'm sorry it's just i missed my parents and i'm excited to see them!" as i finished the elevator arrived and i hoped in pulling miles with me.

when i got up to the penthouse i opened up the door and saw my parents sitting on the couch. i ran over to them and jumped on them.

"mommy! daddy! i missed you guys sooo much!" i said pulling them into bigs hugs as we all laughed.

"i have missed you so much my love!" my mom cooed.

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