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takeda let us know that we were invited to summer training camp in tokyo, which is great. the downside though: we have to pass our exams. it's wasn't a problem for me but you know tanaka, noya, hinata, and kageyama...

we even got a new possible manager yachi!

for the rest of the week tooru stayed over and helped me eat...

"y/n-chan! i'm here!"

"hey tooru!" i beamed at the boy. "what's for dinner today?"

"well i'm glad to see that you're excited to eat!" tooru said while ruffling my hair. "i was thinking vegetable stir fry."

"sounds good to me!" i then excused my self and plopped down on the couch.

while tooru was cooking i was scrolling through my phone. what i didn't realize was that he saw what i was looking up.


his voice scared me so i turned around quickly and hid my phone.

"are you forcing yourself to throw up what you eat?" tooru asked sternly while staring at me not breaking his gaze.

i felt my eyes start to burn, and the tears start to fall.

"y/n. do you know that that's called bulimia and that it's life threatening?" tooru said raising his voice slightly.

i flinched.

'life threatening. yeah i saw that somewhere, buts it's worth the risk. right?'

"y/n! this is serious. how long have you been doing this? have you been doing this after every meal i've made for you? should i have not come to cook for you? if i knew you were gonna do this i would ha-"

"STOP." i said while tears were streaming down my face.

'we shouldn't have told him. god he feels so bad look at him!'

i looked up at tooru to see his eyes glossy. lightly coated with tears that he wouldn't let escape.

"i'm sorry.
i'm sorry.
i'm sorry.
i'm so sorry-
tooru it's not your fault..."

i said as i choked on tears. tooru pulled me into a hug.

"it's okay just calm down..." tooru said as he stroked my hair.

i crumbled once again. i just cried. i cried so much that tooru's shirt was soaked.

'you don't deserve to cry it's your fault. you did this to yourself.'

i cried even more at my cruel thoughts. it feels like i'm punishing myself.

as i finally stopped crying i realized that tooru had fallen asleep. i smiled at him and bought in a blanket for him. i drapped it over him and went up to my room.

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