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i tried to open my eyes but i just kept seeing a flash of light.

'holy shit i hope i'm not dead...umm'

i still had my eyes closed but tried to push myself off the floor or whatever. as i was trying to get up i felt something or someone? around my waist.

i rubbed my eyes before opening them to see akaashi?! and bokuto taking pictures of us.

i began to shake akaashi awake.

"hey! HEY! wake up!"

he eventually woke up and and he did it like he wasn't just snuggled up in my boobs but whatever.

as soon as akaashi was up i turned and locked eyes with bokuto.

"you." bokuto's eyes widened as he began scrambling to get out of the room. i was about to go back and chase his before i felt someone's arms wrap around my waist.

"hey...come back and lay down please." akaashi said in his tired voice. "it's still really early, like 2 am come back and lay down."

well what was i to do in this situation? A. leave this hot guy orrr B. stay with with the hot guy. the answer was obvious.

"uh sureee." i got back under the covers as akaashi snuggled up against me.

"say akaashi i think you have a crush on meee~" i cooed as i ran my fingers through his hair.

"hm i thought that was obvious?" he said as he let out a yawn.

and before i could say anything else he went back to sleep.

'wait a minute did he just-'

i woke up and stretched but noticed i was by myself this time. i looked around for my phone to realize that it's 8am now.

i let out a groan as i rolled out of bed and made my way back to the manger room to get my stuff to do my skincare and shi.

"good morning guys~" i cooed as i walked over to my bed.

"where we're you last night?" yachi asked like she was genuinely oblivious.

"i think we know where y/n was last night yachi." kiyoko said while raising her eyebrows at me. i let out a chuckle and made my way out the room.

"wait but i really don't know!" i heard yachi say as i made my way to the bathroom.

i washed my face, brushed my teeth you know the rest. i changed my clothes and put on some sweatpants and an oversized shirt cause yk no use in getting cute if your running around busy all day.

"hey other lovely managers!" i exclaimed as i walked into the kitchen to help make breakfast. they all said good morning to me as we got to working on the food.

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