what really happended (part 1)

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once me and celia got home i changed into some shorts and a oversized hoodie crying because of how mad i was.

i heard foot steps which was celia she made us ramen and wanted to help me with what i just happened.

"hi" she says smiling which makes me smile back.
"so first are you okay?"

she asked me which honestly made me realize no one actually asked me in a while

"yes, thank you for asking." i say as she nodded her head in response. "so tell me what happened with you two." she says getting comfortable.


it all started in 3rd grade. i was heading to my new classroom and nervous. all my friends were in separate classes or moved away.

i was one of the first people in class and met my teacher miss johnson. "oh hello you must be y/n!"

i nodded my head in response and showed me my desk to organize it. as i just finished i felt my fear go away.

until i noticed a young girl who was crying as she was new to jersey. her dad was trying to convince her to go as she finally gave in as she hugged her dad goodbye.

i looked and the name tag next to me and saw the name. "victoria marques". the little girl that was crying next to me sat downstairs and put her stuff in her desk.

i realized i wasn't the only one nervous in school.

at recess i saw the little sad girl sitting alone on a swing. there was an empty spot next to her so i decided to make a friend.

"hi i'm y/n, your the girl i sit next to in class." i smile at her. she gives me a smile in return. "yeah hi i'm vic" she said. and that's when we became friends.


"oh wow so you've known each other for awhile now" celia seems shocked.

"yeah but ever since i met ale everything changed". i say rubbing my forehead.


it was the first day back from spring break. we had a new seats.

vic was gone that day because she was sick but it was okay.

i sat on my desk and start talking to the students until a little boy sat next to me.

"hi i'm alejandro." he says. "hi i'm y/n" i smile at him.

ever since that day vic had started being jealous that i had another friend.


it was the first day of freshman year. i was on facetime with vic while doing light makeup look and talking about how crazy we are going into freshman year.

"are you going to walk to school ?" i ask vic finishing my make up. "no i'm going to get a ride from my mom." she says putting on her shoes

"oh okay" well i'll see you there i say grabbing my phone. "okay bye" she says smiling. i hang up and finish getting ready.

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