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⚠️i'm re-writing the part that got deleted lol. bc i'm pissed and now the story is kinda off so whatever if you don't wanna read it again it's fine but this is the one that was before "who tried it" sorry if this as my 8 y/o step sister loves to say "doing to much" it's gonna be shorter/better written so yeah...i'm only doing this if ppl are confused and i'd your reading this after who tried it this is just the gist of what happened before it got deleted but i put different things.⚠️


i go into the girls locker room and put on my grey bike sweats, a t-shirt that everyone has to wear for gym and some sneakers and i put my hair in a ponytail. i go to sit by mattia and the boys laugh. "OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT!!"
i say rolling my eyes. " mattia likes when you wear those and plus i sat next to him" alvaro jokes while they all crack up. mattia gets embarrassed so i defend him "okay and the only one whose ever had a girlfriend is isn't laughing" (alejandro) "yuh" ale says laughing. "fuck you" alvaro said. "hey that's my job" mattia comments. which makes everyone's eyes widen. "BITCH THATS MY GIRLFRIEND" taylor said "yeah sexc" i say

after like 20 minutes of bullshit the teachers take attendance and tell us we have free time. so the boys run to go play soccer outside and me and the girls stay inside and do tiktoks

 so the boys run to go play soccer outside and me and the girls stay inside and do tiktoks

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(this one & just imagine you're in gym class)

♥️:1 mil
👀:5 mil
💬:(comments off)

y/✔️: gym class or whatever
@ viccmarquess  @ tayyfigueroa
@ katie.pego

once he'll rang i go change and go back to my locker and grab my things. mattia comes up to my locker and puts his arm around me and we go to the group and make plans. i hug vic and taylor goodbye because they have plans with their other friends.

we decided to go to target and get snacks and have a movie night at my house. "hey y/n" kairi says, next thing i know alvaro has my legs and kairi has my arms and they run towards the door. "ALE GET THE DOOR!" kairi yells "no don't" "sorry y/n" he runs and gets the door. " kick alvaro" which resulted into me falling onto kairi which made us blush.

i see mattia getting jealous but hey i'm still friends with the other boys and it's not like I got jealous when he started talking to jenna i mean me and her are friends but she moved 2 years ago her and mattia talked for two months while me and vallyk dated. anyways i go in alejandros car and i sit in the back seat with katie and kairi in the passenger seat.

at target:

i swear we only went there for chips,candy and soda but ofc the boys messed around and we met some fans and i took a pic for instagram

imnoty/n posted !

imnoty/n posted !

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(pretend you're taylor and katie is vic)

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(pretend you're taylor and katie is vic)

liked by:daddypego and inactivealvaro and 26k others
👤:@ katiepego @ alejandrosario
@ kairicosentini @ mattiapolibio
@ robertgeorges

imnot/n: target runs with my hoes

view all 678 comments:

user:where's roshaun and alvaro
↪️imnoty/n: ded, jk jk they where too "busy" for us
↪️inactivealvaro:youre different bro
↪️imnoty/n:STFU ALVARO
radical420dudee:can't wait to finally see you!!
↪️imnoty/n:ik bubs🤝🤝
cynthiaparkerrrr:y/n is hot
↪️imnoty/n:nah but cynthia is
↪️qgriggss to y/n:i agree
curlyheaded_rosario:HEY DONT EXPOSE ME!!
↪️user:so do u really suck
↪️katiepego:he does

as we bring the cart up we load the snacks on the check out machine as the catchier finishes mattia touches my hand. "no ill pay." i says handing the catchier his card. "awe mattia" i say. we walk to the car and put the snacks into mattia's trunk. we go in the same cars as last time and drive to my house.

once we get there i unlock the door a straighten out my house a little bit. i look in the island table and see a note from my parents.

dear y/n, by the time you read this we are on a business trip for two weeks well call and text you, you can have your friends over and we left you 300 dollars


mom and dad <3

i slip the money in my wallet and wipe a tear because i feel like my parents are never there for me and since i'm a only child i'm alone all the time. then kairi taps my shoulder and sees i wiped away my tear.

"hey are you okay?" he asked me "yeah i'm fine kai" i reassured him with a smile. "come here" he hugged me "i love you kairi you're my favorite" he had his bright smile "y/n can i tell you something?" "yeah anything" "i like-".

than the rest of the boys came in the mattia's loud as said "what it dooooo!!" then we sing along with him "23 with bad attitude tryna stick my tongue at youuu" we all laugh "can you tell me later kai" he nods and we all go sit on my couch

and then this mf tries it......

my guy best friend-MP 🤎Where stories live. Discover now