group chat

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you sat in the passenger seat as katie drove to dunkin it wasn't very far so that was good but the line was long you and maiya tell katie your orders as the boys text the group chat

                 *sexc rat fucks🐀😎*

y/n:what's your guys order's?
robert's ugly ass😭:
2 donuts
favorite olaf⛄️😝:tell maiya she can't have coffee and i want a sandwich pls
y/n:kai she's having coffee idc idc
aloe vera🐀:matcha tea
roushrimp💅🏽😅:same thing as alvaro
alejandro de jesus rosario 🐒✨:cold brew
favorite olaf⛄️😝:i said no coffee
dino🦖💕:stfu kai
y/n: okay mattia what would you like
dino🦖💕: a girlfriend...
y/n: sir this is dunkin i-👁👄👁
dino🦖💕- my usual
alejandro's wifey(jk my wifey)🤍💍: okay im ordering now

kairi: mattia wdym girlfriend ?
mattia:it doesn't matter
mattia says getting clearly embarrassed and mad
roushan: y/n knows your usual?
alejandro: right i didn't even know you had one
mattia: well ofc i do i told her when i went to dunkin with her but it doesn't mean i like her
robert:can i date y/n..
mattia:no bitch
everyone: chill mattia
mattia:okay i'm sorry but can we go back to fifa ?
kairi:yeah it's your turn anyways

i've liked y/n for a while now and i don't know if anyone knows and i really don't care if they do but i don't what y/n to know bc of her rough break up with vallyk... i really love her and sometimes i can be a jerk and i don't wanna hurt her. i don't know why but robert just pissed me off with saying if he can date y/n
he's still my friend so i should be more calm when this stuff happens but i'll just wait for her

*end of mattia's thoughts*

why was mattia so mad about y/n he knows i was joking idk why he got so offended by it maybe he likes her but i'll just leave it alone

*end of mattia's thoughts*

Y/N pov
me and the girls came home with dunkin i set it on the kitchen table while kairi and maiya's mom did the dishes clearly happy we were back

•kairi's mom-k/m

k/m:yeah girls
y/n &katie:hello misses cosentino
k/m:maiya did you say thank you?
maiya: thank you guys *hugs us*
y/n: no problem we love you
katie: yeah anytime
maiya: you guys are the best
y/n & katie: awe

k/m-KAIRI YOUR FRIENDS ARE BACK!, well thank you girls for including maiya i appreciate it a lot.
y/n:of course , she's like a little sister to me

kairi and the boys start running down stairs to get their dunkin

ale: hola ladies *kisses katie on the forehead*
y/n:hola le monkey
kairi: thanks bestie
y/n: your welcome best friend where is mattia?
kairi: up stairs
y/n:okay i'll get him
robert/roushan/alvaro: thank you
y/n: you're welcome rats

you go up stairs to kai's room and find mattia on instagram looking at your pictures but you don't say anything about it

y/n: hey dino
mattia: hey princess
y/n: haha your foods here
mattia:okay thank you btw
y/n:of course anything for you


hey guys thank you for reading this it means a lot to me 🥺. and i hope you enjoy sorry for the wait but i had little to no motivation lol but yeah i'm probably going to post about 2-3 times a week. ik this isn't very interesting but i promise it will be soon... lmk some suggestions bc i have not that much ideas... anyways i gtg go byeee♥️ ...

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