parents come home!

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i woke up from tiktok sounds playing i look up seeing kairi, ale, alvaro doing tiktoks ugh stiff mfs katie was on her phone and looked tired still. i turned to look at mattia who was still cuddling me. "hey mattia" i whispered. no response. "mattia!" i say louder. "MATTIA WAKE TF UP!" kairi yells hitting him with a pillow. he wakes up now pissed off. "really kairi" he says waking up. i giggled and he saw. "you wanna laugh he says. then he started tickling me "okay okay stop i can't breathe!"

i get up from mattia and turn around to see mattia sticking his tongue at me so i flip him off. "whatcha doinggggg?" i say to katie making her laugh. "who's excited for homecoming?" i say hugging katie and shaking her. "me! i get to have a public date with katie"! ale says doing "👉🏽👈🏽"

"who are y'all going with" i ask "me and roshaun are going solo and roberts going with taylor" alvaro said. "kairi" i say "nah fuck relationships i'm going solo" he says and acts like a bad bitch. "i'm gonna ask this REALLY CUTE girl" at school tomorrow.
"good for you" i say smiling. i hope someone asks me bc than me and vic will go together.


tomorrow is monday and i'm going to ask y/n to be my date to homecoming because i really like her and i hope she likes me. but i need ideas FAST! i'll just ask the ale he's really good with this stuff you can ask katie. and he also did this with vic when they dated.


suddenly my i got a text from a group chat with my mom in dad


mom🥰:hey sweetie me and your dad arecoming home tonight can't wait to see you !
y/n:omg great can't wait i love you guys
mom🥰:we love you!

"what should we do now?" alvaro asked looking up from his phone. "uh let got to mcdonald's" alejandro suggested. we all change and get ready.

 we all change and get ready

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hair and make up^

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hair and make up^

we got in ale's car. katie in the passenger seat and me and alvaro squished together and mattia and kairi were making fun of us so a yanked their hair softly and the pouted like a baby. we were talk and goofing around to music.

once we got there kairi yelled "LAST ONE IN IS A ROTTEN EGG!" me and aloe ran into mcdonald's and aloe was the last one in. mattia came in with ale and katie holding hands and laughing. i go up and order our food i got a big mac meal i shared my soda with mattia because we sat next to each other.

i got tired and laid my head on his shoulder until my mom texted me saying she got an uber for me and sent my location. once she said that they were here i got up and threw my stuff away.

i face ale and katie a hug, when i gave alvaro and kai a hug i gave them a kiss on the cheek. and i did they sane to mattia but he gave me one. i wave good bye and hop in the uber to go home.


"GUYS I NEED YOUR HELP!"i say once i saw y/n leave in the uber. "with?" kairi say after drinking his soda. "i'm gonna ask y/n to be my date for homecoming. "aye my best friend got a date!" ale say doing a little dance while kai and alvaro laughed. "okay so how do i ask her katie?" "well she LOVES ROSES" katie explains. "okay what else?" i say impatiently.
"ohh i got it, so we should tell vic to pretend that she has an emergency and pulls y/n outside of our school and then we can ask some people to hand her roses and leads to you holding a sign asking her out!" katie says "that's perfect!" i say happy. "i'll ask vic rn alvaro says.


alvaro: hi vic
vic:hi aloe
alvaro:can i ask you a favor?
vic: yes
alvaro: okay at school tomorrow we need you to act like you have a emergency and get y/n because mattia is asking her to homecoming
vic:oh really yay!
alvaro: can you help?
vic: ofc anything for y/n
alvaro: okay me or kai will text you for information


i got home and was greeted by my mom with a hug. "y/n oh my gosh i missed you" she hugs me and i can't help but tear up. "what's wrong sweetie" my dad comes over concerned. "nothing i missed you guys" i say wiping my tears with my sleeve. "awe here sweetheart your favorite meal" my dad says setting up the table after cooking i smile and sit on a chair. we talked and catch up until about 9:35 i go up stairs and do a face mask and make sum tiktoks after saying good night to my parents.

post a transition video and it goes VIRAL!

❤️:3.0 mil
👀:7.9 mil

y/✔️:hi 😘 

user:okay but like HOT
user: mhm
*liked by creator
reply^you lol
kairi✔️: like ya cut g
reply^5'4 HAHA🖕🏽
*liked by creator
vickietheegg: just trying scroll down my fyp and not feel ugly is not so much to ask lol
reply^love you vic😤
reply^ uno reverse card
katiepego:my bestie
*liked by creator
itssissysheridan✔️:my turn
reply^yes yes!
michacow✔️: @threedotcorey let's add her to the new one!
reply^oh wow really?!
reply^ily tay🥰

okay so i'm gonna be working on mattia asking out y/n in the next part bc this part would be WAY to long so yeah this part is less than 1000 words

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