sleep over at kairi's

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mattia texted me saying he was at the door so i went down stairs to get him. as i walked down i saw that maiya got home from dance and she gave me a hug. i got to the door to let mattia in and he was greeted by kais mom. she told us to tell kairi dinner was done. we went up stairs to kairi's room and mattia set his stuff down and us three went down to the table to eat i sat in between mattia and maiya. his mom made pasta and talked to us about our day. truth is the boy's moms are the my moms and known the boys since 3rd grade. well just mattia, kairi, ale and vic but you get the point. but their parents are close with me.

kairi's mom: "so y/n how have you been?"
y/n: "pretty good"
kairi's mom: "are your parents still out of town?"
y/n: "yeah"
kairi's mom: "well you can stay the night"
y/n: "sure, thank you"
maiya: "YAY!"
kairi: "uh maiya calm down she staying for us"
y/n: "let maiya hang out"
kairi: "fine only for you y/n"
kairi's mom: "mattia would you like to spend the night?"
mattia: "yes thank you"
kairi's mom: " no problem"

after dinner me and mattia help kairi's mom clean up. i mean i guess we are all so used to doing that. once we were done me and mattia ran up to kairi's room. we all were kinda bored so we decided to go live.

@y/      live: 2.6k viewers

celiabraud:hi y/n!
user: yay mairi and y/n lives are the best!
user: hi y/n!
user: y/n are you going to social bash?
alejandrosario✔️: dope invite😃👍🏽
blesiv✔️: aye y/n is live🙃
anne.commzz8: ew mattia is ugly 😡
nessabarrett✔️:y/n!! i miss you😤🥺

y/n: hi guys as you can tell i'm at kairi's house with mattia and we decided to go to live and chat with y'all!

i read ales comment that popped up "dope invite" well damn if he wanted to come he can text us but my thoughts were interrupted be mattia's loud ass

kairi: all loud for what
mattia:oh calm down mf
y/n: y'all mairi is problematic
mattia:nah look come here baby gimme a kith
kairi:fuck outta my face ew
y/n:see,anyway who's excited for social bash!

i read some comments and they asked who was my date.
y/n:guys idk who my date is so all the fine boys come dm me
mattia: nah chill i'll go with you
kairi:no fair
y/n:okay i'll set you up.
kairi:okay bet
y/n: i need to post a yt video
mattia: q&a?
y/n:didn't you just post one
kairi: oh yeah shit😭
mattia:exposed by y/n HAHA
kairi:you know what

then kairi tackled mattia and they started to play fight i started laughing and then kairi grabbed my arm and we all started play fighting. i won duh cause i'm a bad bitch. i ended my live and decided to post on instagram

@y/ posted!

liked by viccmarquess and 1,890,776 otherscaption: let me bless your feed 💋

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liked by viccmarquess and 1,890,776 others
caption: let me bless your feed 💋

katiepego: that's my best friend period🥰
reply^what can i say 😉
alejandrosario: big ass head😌
reply^bubble fuck😛
mattiapolibio: damn😍...
kairicosentino: yep yep
reply^ily kai
viccmarquess: hottie🥵
reply^you bebe ☺️
hailey.kae: mhm😳
reply^hi sexc😤
celiabraud: ooh go off girl
alvaromero: look at my bestie
user:y/n is gorgeous
user: pin if you love y/n beans (fandom)
📌 by y/
user: stan
reply^bitch bye😒

then we got a ft call from ale
kairi:shhh damn loud asf
ale:okay so yk my birthday is this weekend and i don't wanna party so how about we eat out
y/n: what do you want for your birthday ale?
ale:no it's okay y/n you coming is all
y/n:good i wasn't playing on getting anything
ale:rude anyways buy guys love y'all
kairi:we love you fuck hoe

a couple hours later we got tired and had to sleep. kairi had a couch and his bed but there are 3 of us. "y/n can sleep on my bed with me"kairi said. "why, that's weird kairi" mattia says getting jealous. "well then what" kairi says. "you guys i'll just leave if it's a problem."
then suddenly maiya walks in. "Y/N I NEED YOUR HELP!" i nod my head and follow her to her room. "what's wrong maiya?" she looks at me really sad. " people are being mean to me and are saying my tiktoks are bad". "maiya do you want me to do one with you?" maiya looks at me and nods her head and i smile at her and we do one. she got 16.5k likes and she got comments.

caption: with @y/

user:is that y/n!
user:y'all must be close
kairi:gimme my friend back😤
y/ hey that's me😃👍🏽
*liked by creator*
njboyfanpage:y/n is so pretty
user:kairi be punching the air
load more comments

"thank you y/n" maiya said hugging me. "of course maiya you're like a sister to me" then i got a notification from celia braud, she dmed me from instagram!

celia:hi y/ny/n:hi celia!celia:can you do me a favor?y/n:yes of course celia:so for social bash can you ask kairi if he would be my date?y/n: YES OMG HE WOULD BE SO HAPPY!celia:okay thank you❤️y/n:you welcome :)seen

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celia:hi y/n
y/n:hi celia!
celia:can you do me a favor?
y/n:yes of course
celia:so for social bash can you ask kairi if he would be my date?
celia:okay thank you❤️
y/n:you welcome :)

i tell maiya goodnight and run to kairi's room and see him stand and looking at his phone i run and jump on him which made us fall on the bed. "y/n you scared me" he said laughing. "look kairi look" i showed him the dm with celia and he instantly smiled. "thank you y/n" he said hugging me." "see told you i'd hook you up" "so it's me and y/n,ale and katie, kairi and celia" mattia said "yep" kairi said "i'm tired now" i lay on the the couch with a blanket and pillow he gave me and mattia and kairi slept on his bed. i plugged my phone on my charger and slowly drifted to sleep.



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