when did you start loving me?

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so at when the 2 flash backs part comes i got inspiration from a mattias smut book i'll show you

27&36 i believe but like minus smut you know ? i am no way copying i'm just simply using it as inspiration and i in no way shape or from wanna steal her writing and it's not gonna be the exact same but i figured most of y'all have read this book

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27&36 i believe but like minus smut you know ? i am no way copying i'm just simply using it as inspiration and i in no way shape or from wanna steal her writing and it's not gonna be the exact same but i figured most of y'all have read this book.

i turn my phone on silent as they were still spamming the group chat. and mattia you was still sitting on my chair

room check real quick cause i never showed y'all y/n's room:

room check real quick cause i never showed y'all y/n's room:

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------i go to the bath room and change into some black biker shorts and a over size t shirt and plug my phone into my charger

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i go to the bath room and change into some black biker shorts and a over size t shirt and plug my phone into my charger. i snuggle under my blanket and watch tiktoks

mattias pov:

while i saw y/n watch tiktoks i continued talking in the group chat

hi lol😃
9 ppl

ale:so what y'all doing?
me:i'm at y/n's
me:she's laying down HAHA
celia:can i see my bae?
me:first off, SHES MINE, second, here
y/n<33:was summoned by the great CACA STAIN
roshaun:hehe hi besty
y/n<33: hi besty
ale:so y/n and mattia must be happy rn😏
celia: Y/N IS A WHOLE MOOD😭😭
roahaun:don't use "😂"
y/n<33: mattia you can't even spell HAHA right-
kai: ceo of spelling teehee
y/n<33: hey tonight we should all do a group face time
ale:i'm down
varo: bet how ab at like 10?
seen by 2

we both turn our phones off and i immediately look at y/n. "what?" she questioned looking left to right. i get up. "cuddles?" i say.

she opens her arms and i lay on top of her snuggling my head in her neck.

"y/n?" i speak up. "hmm?" she whispered back.
"when did you first start loving me?" i asked 

y/n flashback (27-airplane) you all were single at the time.

me, alejandro, kairi, robert and mattia were leaving jersey to visit alvaro and roshaun while they still lived in florida before they moved back to jersey.

we had 45 min left before we had to go on the plane to florida and we were very tired but also bored as hell. so we made tiktoks. i put the timer on my phone and we start dancing to say so.

but what the boys didn't know about was that it was a prank remix. once the prank part came they all laughed but mattia surprised me by picking me up.

"stop mattia" i laugh. "okay miss shorty" he's says slowly putting me down. he stops at where we make eye contact and we stared at each other for a little bit longer than mattia breaks the awkward silence "hey" he says. god he drives me crazy

"hey." i say. and that is when i knew i loved him.
"flight 52 has 15 minutes till take off" we grabbed our luggage and scanned our tickets and headed to florida.

once we had already took off and were almost there i layed my head on mattias shoulder and fell asleep...


"wow." mattia says in awe . "you know mine was the exact same week." he tells me.


y/n and roshaun were in the kitchen learning a dance to tell their supporters that they're now in florida. roshaun is not the best how'd you say... dancer but y/n helps him anyways because she loves him.

meanwhile i'm in the living room teaching alvaro kairi hip movement dances for our tiktok with alejandro's help which i honestly should have ask
y/n she's a really good dancer. alejandro is alright if he was ugly maybe he wouldn't also have supporters

"okay posted". y/n finally post her tiktok with roshaum doing begging dance. "i mean i ain't no charli but go off" roshaun hypes himself up.

y/n giggles and sits on the counter and sees mattia come from the living room rubbing his eyes in irritation. "what's wrong matti." y/n says looking up at her phone.

"these mother fuckers can't dance for shit." i say sitting next to y/n. she puts her hand on my leg "here i'll show those stiffs how to do it." she says sarcastically.

me and roshaun followed y/n to the other boys and saw they were still practicing. "yo i think i'm doing it." kairi says"not bad stiff shits." y/n jokes. "what about me?" alvaro asks trying to copy kairi .

we all just give him a look. "dancing isn't for you." alejandro says making us laugh. alvaro flips alejandro off while trying to still dance.

"here me and mattia will show you." y/n says placing her phone phone ten seconds while the boys move out of the camera. after the count down a bachata song started playing

y/n put her arms around my neck and i put mine around her waist and when the beat dropped he started swaying our hips while smiling and blushing while making eye contact with each other.

"YOOOOO" the boys said while laughing. then she posted the tiktok and honestly i don't care because we done a lot of stuff like that. then we continued doing tiktoks as normal.

"wow" i say looking at mattia. i knew i liked him but know i really do like him. he sat up a little bit and i looked at his lips biting mine while he was doing the same but we were interrupted bye....

hey lol, sorry for the delay i just restarted this chapter like 9 million time 😒 but i hope y'all are doing well and i just wanna say thank y'all for 3k 😜 i love you all and happy 2021 make it YOUR year💞💞

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