You are NOT my child

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A/N: Only own Nimue and her plotline

June 6, 1972 

Portland, Oregon

Throughout the Victorian Style home were screams of a young woman undergoing the greatest pain she can face... childbirth. Next to her, holding her hand was her husband, Leon. This seemed like an ordinary family going through a home birth, or it would have been an ordinary family if the house was not shaking with every grip of the woman's hand.

"It's almost over, the children are almost here," her husband said trying to ease her pain by placing a hand upon her bulging stomach, however; he stopped his attempt when she looked at him with fire in her eyes. 

"AHHHHH," she called out as the midwife told her to give another push, as the first child was ready to come out. Soon the cries of a baby filled the air as her mother caught her breath, the midwife took the baby to be cleaned and placed in a bassinet before returning to the mother. 

"It's time for you to push," the midwife instructed. The woman pushed whenever instructed until, the midwife told her to stop immediately. "The umbilical cord is wrapped around his neck he is not going to be able to breathe." She carefully attempts to unwrap the cord, and has the mother give a final push. 

There is no baby's cry.

The midwife takes the baby and tries to revive him, but unfortunately it is not possible. She noticed something though, there was no marking around the baby's neck to believe that he choked, this is not uncommon because the umbilical cord is not a tough tissue. The odd thing was that his lungs were underdeveloped and his arm was holding the cord as if someone or something was trying to pull him out. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, this is not something that is easy to tell a family. Your son did not make it through the birth," from there the midwife tried to explain the situation. That the baby boy had underdeveloped lungs and was not going to make it, so the baby girl tried to pull her brother out the womb when she was pulled out, but the cord wrapped around his neck.

This may seem unordinary to the usual family, but it was previously stated they were not a normal family, in fact they technically weren't even called a family, instead they were called a Coven. A family of witches and wizards.

The midwife explained that in the baby girl's attempt to help her brother, she ended up absorbing his magic. The parents were scared and angry at hearing the girl absorbed his magic, in their Coven, their magic is their life force, without it they are weak and unstable. They had made up their minds as soon as they heard this news.

"May we see the girl," Arthur asked with a stone expression replacing his once joyous face, and the midwife placed the baby in his arms. "I can feel the magic coming from her, it is strong. She is dangerous."

"She killed our baby. She cannot be given her intended name, her intentions have been expressed too early," the mother said.

"There is only one woman, that she could be named after for her actions. She will be known as the Downfall of Merlin," Arthur said looking the baby in the eyes.

"Nimue," Freya whispers.

May 9th 1994

Nimue grew up alone. She had plenty of siblings, but each of them grew into the hatred for her that their parents felt. Her favorite happened to be her younger brother Gawaine. He was the closest in age to her and was determined to be a rebel. He refused to leave Nimue out of anything growing up, or at least he used to. After, Nimue began to date Malachai Parker she began to separate herself from her brother, believing that she finally found someone who understood her.

Nimue finally felt loved, and was beginning to open her dark shell, until the news her parents gave on May 9th 1994. Her parents had gathered everyone in the coven including her uncles Percival and Arthur, her siblings; Gawaine, Lancelot, and Guinevere along with her Grandfather, Uther into the living room of their small home.

"We have gathered all of you here to share that is most joyous. My wife and the mother of my children, Freya, is once again with child. The doctor has stated that the child will be a girl," Leon said to the family and everyone cheered even Nimue, as she was happy for a new sibling.

"Has the child decided on a name yet," Nimue's grandfather asked without a smile on his face as he faced Nimue.

"She has chosen a name fitting for her magic," Freya says with a worrisome smile on her face. "She has chosen the name, Morgana." The moment the words left her mouth, Nimue had lost all happiness upon her face. She got up and walked to the porch on her home playing with the Belladonna growing in her mother's pots. She heard footsteps come up behind her and set the plant on fire with a glance, before coming face-to-face her mother.

"What do you need of me mother, you are finally getting the replacement that you so longed for," Nimue said with a tinge of spite. Freya rolled her eyes with a sigh.

"Nimue, you know that the naming is tradition. Stop acting like a child, you have been more unbearable since you met that Parker boy," she says exasperated.

"Do not blame Kai for my animosity towards you or father. It is your fault the family thinks of me as an abomination, I did nothing wrong," Nimue stands up to face her mother as she defends herself. 

"You have done so many things wrong. You killed your brother," Freya said with deep and strong voice.

"I did not kill my brother, he died in the womb because he was not ready to come out. I absorbed his magic after his death," Nimue yelled her hands laid out at her side. With each word more and more fire grew into them.

Freya was not having any of Nimue's beliefs, "You are an abomination. You killed someone."

"I was a CHILD," Nimue screamed out as a flame flew to the grass below the porch. "He was already dead, the magic was killing him. You're the reason he is dead."


Nimue clutches her left cheek as tears brim her eyes. She takes one look at her mother, standing up bravely, "You are not my mother." 

"And you are NOT my child," Freya says and walks back inside her home with the same fake smile she wears around the home. Nimue runs off the porch in the woods that surrounded the home reaching the borders of the property, taking a final look she sees her brother Gawaine run after her. He stops when he sees her stop running. She allows tears to run down her face as she shakes her head at him and steps off the property, stepping past the cloaking spell, the home no longer in her view.

She makes her way to the Parker's home and knocks on the door. Jo seeing that it is a distrught Nimue calls for Kai to hurry to the door. As soon as Kai sees Nimue she collapses into his arms, telling him everything that happened.

"Everything is going to be just fine. By tomorrow, everything will be fine," Kai says running his hands though her hair. "Both our family's will pay"

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