What Really Happened That Night

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A/N: Only own Nimue and her storyline/plot thing

May 8th, 1994

I barge into Jo's room as soon as Kai leaves to go to the store.

"Nimue, what's wrong," she asks as I begin to pace. 

"Jo, something bad is gonna happen. Kai overheard your parents talking about Luke and Olivia," I stop pacing and face her. "They don't want you two to merge. They want to wait until Luke and Olivia are ready."

"I know," she says. "I was scared to tell Kai. His reaction could be dangerous."

"It is dangerous," I sit down next to her on her bed. "He wants to force the merge. He plans to kill the twins, unless you merge with him."

"That's crazy! He told you this," she asks looking her closest friend in the eyes.

"Yes, he promised me that after he becomes leader, he would make my family and yours pay for their treatment of us," I stand back up and continue to pace around the room.

"Nimue, you have to talk him out it," Josette says watching her closest friend stress. "Mom and dad want Luke and Olivia to merge when they are ready."

"Jo, I know that. But please reconsider," Nimue begs. "You know Kai, he is angry and scared. I am scared. Luke and Olivia do not deserve this, please find a way to end the merge." Nimue begins to cry and Josette cross over to her friend to comfort her.

"I will do what I can, but if something goes wrong follow along with Kai," Josette warns. "I fear what may happen if you go against him."

"I think I have a way to keep Kai away from our families."

May 9th, 1994

"Josette, where are they" Kai says as we walk around his house killing all of his siblings.

"Jo, c'mon out Jo. I know you can hear me" I say as we walk into Jo's room, following the trail of blood.

"C'mon out, you know you can't hide them from us" Kai says and we walk closer to the bed, stop for a second. Kai gives me signal to start walking back to the door. Kai then pulls the bed up and all we see is Kai's favorite sister, Jo.

"Where are they, Jo" Kai starts searching the whole room, until he stops and takes a bat and kicks her. I cast an incantation to help with Jo's healing, but the hit was too hard. It lifted the cloaking spell and Kai and I see Lucas and Olivia run out of the room. I panic for a second before cloaking the twins, and creating doubles to keep Kai occupied.

"Kai, you go get them, I'll stay with the twin" I say and give him a kiss, before I get down to Jo's level on the ground to stop the bleeding and hurriedly say, "he is going to find them, he is going to kill them, and then you will merge, and Kai will be the leader." 

"Nimue, I need you to continue playing your part in this, just until the elders arrive," Jo says gasping in pain.

"I am so sorry about this Jo. At least I took the spleen, you were right to help guide my hand. I was so scared I would kill you," I start to cast an incantation to help her heal, but Jo stops me.

"I need to look like this, you can't heal me. He will know," I nod along.

"Fine, but if we want this to work, you need to do as I say," I hand her the knife I had used to cut her spleen out. "You need to blast me into the wall and hide your magic. That will stall Kai enough during the merge for the elders to do their job." She nods and raises her hand towards me.

She blasts me into the wall and runs downstairs. As soon as I get up I follow her, but when I make it to the front door, Kai is already there.

"Stop, I'll do it, I'll merge with you. Just don't hurt anyone else" Jo says, Kai smiles as I try to as well before he notices a difference.

"See, was that so hard. Now if had just agreed earlier all of your bratty little siblings would be alive. Their deaths are your fault Jojo," I say to her. As I walk passed her with Kai, I mouth 'I'm sorry.'

*The Next Night*

All the members of the Gemini Coven were gathered for the merge. Kai and Jo start the ceremony, but nothing is happening.

"I don't feel anything" Kai says, so they repeat the spell. "Josette, what did you do? Why can't I feel your magic? Why aren't they saying anything? They should be saying something, Nim, come here." I walk over to him and grab his hand. "We are merge this should be a bigger deal, right?" Kai's father then comes over and starts chanting something and soon everyone begins. As they are chanting Kai and I are withering on the floor in pain, the last thing I see is Jo's face filled with sorrow. I look at her and mouth, 'It's okay,' before blacking out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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