Chapter 15

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Miyoung was looking into her wardrobe. At the end of the week would take place the festival. She wanted to choose what she would wear to perform. It wasn't a pop song, so she didn't want something to trendy or extravagant. But it wasn't a ballade either so she didn't want something too soft and kind.

As Miyoung was looking through her clothes, her eyes caught sight of a dark blue hoodie jacket. She slightly smiled at the clothes. She took it and observed it with tenderness. The jacket was Suho's. Once, along with Seyeon and Seojun, they hang out in Daegu. Miyoung hadn't brought a jacket with her, so when night fell, she was cold. Suho had gave her his jacket she wouldn't get sick. Miyoung forgot to give it back to him before she left for London.

Miyoung was brought back into reality when she heard her phone ringing. She put Suho's jacket on the edge of her bed and lied down on her stomach, reaching for her phone on the bedside table. Her heart skipped when she saw the ID. Lee Suho. Miyoung quickly sat up and took a deep breath. A wide smile on her lips, she pressed the green button and put her phone over her ear.

"Hey," Miyoung greeted, trying to not sound too enthusiastic.

It felt weird for her to be so cheery and excited just for a phone call. But it wasn't any phone call. It was a call with Lee Suho, the boy she liked. Even just saying that in her head was weird. She had just acknowledged and put a word on her feelings. The last time she liked a boy was the year before. But with Suho it was different. Miyoung didn't know what exactly. But one thing for sure, she felt like it was stronger.

"Hey... uh... how are you?" Suho asked. Miyoung couldn't help but smile even more. She was fidgeting with the hem of her sweater. "I heard you almost went to the infirmary?" He sounded worried. Miyoung was moved that he wanted to check on her.

"Ah, no, don't worry. People tend to exagerate things," Miyoung reassured. "I was just choking on my food because of what Seojun told me. But I'm fine,"

Talking about that, what the Han boy had said was right. His motorbike was indeed parked in front of her building. She saw it when she came back.

"You ate with Seojun?"

"Well it's more like he invited himself at our table," Miyoung corrected as she lied down on her bed, facing the ceiling. "Oh, Suho, I found your jacket you lent me last year,"

"You still have it? You could have thrown it away, I don't mind,"

"What?" Miyoung sat up. "I can't!"

"Why's that?"

"Because it's yours!" Miyoung exclaimed. "I-I mean, I couldn't make the choice for you because you own it and you should be the one to decide what you want to do with it," she tried to save it.

She mentally insulted herself for being so stupid and obvious. And she wasn't aware of Suho smiling at the other side of the phone.

Miyoung cleared her throat.

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