Chapter 42

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Miyoung was in front of Sujin's fancy house. After visiting Suho and telling Taehoon, Hyunkyu, and the other boys, Miyoung decided to tell Sujin. She felt relieved to tell the boys and it gave them the strength to tell Sujin too. She didn't want to lie to her friend anymore. The Gim girl was nervous and was apprehending the confrontation but he had faith in her friendship with Sujin. She knew the latter wouldn't be mad. They always got each other's back and helped each other out.

The gate opened and Sujin stepped out of her house.

"Hi," Sujin smiled. "What's brings you here?"

"I... I want to tell you something, Sujin," Miyoung fidgeted with her hands.

"Did something happened?" Sujin asked, noticing Miyoung's nervousness.

"No, don't worry, it's not something bad," Miyoung reassured. "I should have told you right away but I was scared of your reaction. I didn't know what to do... Sujin, the truth is,"

Miyoung gathered all her strength and took a deep breath.

"I'm going out with Suho," Miyoung confessed.

Silence. Blank. Void. Emptiness.

Nothing was said for a moment. It was actually scary Miyoung. Her stomach was tight and her heart racing with nervousness. She was anxiously watching Sujin, waiting for her to talk, waiting for any sign. But there was nothing that could tell Miyoung how the Kang girl felt. She seemed deep in her thoughts.

"I don't want to hide it from you anymore because you a precious friend of mine," Miyoung dared to talk. "I wanted you to be the first person to know but when you told me your feelings for Suho... You seemed so happy. I couldn't bring myself to tell you. I was scared we would part ways... But I don't want to lie to you anymore. I'm sorry,"

Sujin kept quiet a moment then sighed.

"I see," Sujin finally said. "I'd be lying to you if I told you I'm okay. It's upsetting,"

Miyoung pressed her lips in a thin line and looked down.

"I'm sorry,"

"But this isn't the first time I felt this way towards Suho," Sujin continued. "And back then, it didn't last long. When you're friends with someone for a long time, it's normal to get confused now and then.  That's just all it is,"

The weight on Miyoung's heart was slowly being lifted. She looked at Sujin, relieved yet sorry. She was happy her friend wasn't mad at her. But she was sorry for Sujin. She was sorry she had to suppress her feelings for Suho once again because of her.

"So you don't need to feel so bad about it," Sujin said. "You make me feel like I gave you a hard time by telling you how I feel. You didn't do anything wrong. Look at me,"

"I just feel really bad. I'm sorry," Miyoung apologized once again.

"Suho likes you," Sujin stated. "So there's nothing I can do. Once I get over him, your relationship with Suho and our friendship will stay the same,"

Miyoung looked at her friend a few seconds before taking her in her arms. She was so grateful yet sorrowfully. She knew how hard it is to know to live a one-sided love. But must be harder to see your friend dating the person you like. Sujin must be really hurt but also understanding. Sujin was a good person. Right?

The next day, Miyoung went to the hospital to visit Suho again. She planned to come as much as she could. She is in a happier mood than before, as if nothing could ruin her day.

"Hey," she heard as she walked into the hall of the hospital.

Miyoung turned to face Seojun.

"Oh, they removed one of your casts," Miyoung noticed.

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