Chapter 6•revenge

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It's been 2 weeks since Hermione told you, Paying attention in class has become increasingly more difficult, all you can think about is the twins
You want to tell them what you know so bad, you wish they'd just fess up and tell you but at the same time you were terrified, you've never had feelings like this before
If one of them ask you out then you'd have to say no, you can't date one of them if you have feelings for both of them

After classes you meet with Ginny and Hermione in the great hall
'So' Ginny smiles 'who are you guys going to the Yule ball with'
You totally forgot about the ball, thinking about everything with the twins totally distracted you the last few weeks
'I don't know, myself I guess' you answer
You and Ginny both look at Hermione whose face is in a book, you notice her face is a little red
'Hermione?' Ginny asked
'It's a surprise' Hermione said quietly smiling
You and Ginny both look at her shocked 'what about Ginny!' Hermione asked avoiding our reactions 'who asked you'
'Neville asked me and I said yes, just as friends though' Ginny answered excitedly 'I can't wait!'
You act happy in front of your friends but in reality you're really upset, no one has asked you, more specifically Fred and George
The ball is in 2 days and you don't have a date or a dress
'I might not go, it'd be pretty depressing to go alone' you chuckle
'Please come, you can still have fun without a date!' Ginny pleads
'I'll think about it, I've gotta go shower though so I'll see you guys in the morning' you stand up waving

"Why am I so upset" you say to yourself while taking a shower in the prefect bathrooms
"I want to go so bad but if I see Fred or George dancing with someone it will kill me"
You grab a towel and wrap it around your chest "maybe I should ask them, but they might already have dates, ugh"
You step out of the shower and pull a hoodie and some underwear on and take a deep breath
'Any one ever tell you that you talk to yourself?'
You look up to see an arrogant blonde
You pull your sweater down as you're not wearing pants
'Go away Malfoy!' You say avoiding eye contact from embarrassment
'No, you see L/N I deserve revenge, I know it was your fault that I got covered in boils'
You look at him and see an evil smirk on his face
'You should learn to keep your thoughts in your head, now the whole schools gonna know that you have a pathetic crush on the Weasley twins' he chuckled walking out of the bathroom
Anxiety fills your body, you have the no classes for the next week because Christmas is coming plus you have plans to hangout with the twins tomorrow 'the only thing I can do is stay in my room all week' you think to yourself
You quickly throw some pyjama pants on and run to your common room
The second you walk in you're faced with all the year 5th Slytherins laughing 'didn't realize you were into gingers L/N!' Laughed Crabbe
'Wait until tomorrow Y/N the whole school is gonna know' laughed Pancy
You run upstairs and jumped into your bed putting your blanket over your head, hyperventilating and crying
'I'm not leaving this room' you think to yourself

(( AUTHORS NOTE - sorry this took so long! I got Covid and have been busy with studies! I promise I'll update more))

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