(( TW/SA ))
'My office is just here misses L/N' says McGonagall as she leads you into a big office with a huge fireplace
'Sit' she demands and you comply
You've never really spoke to her one on one before except for a few times in transfiguration class
McGonagall sits in the chair opposite of you and pulls her glasses off
'Miss Granger tells me you're being tormented by your fellow Slytherin students' she looks at you with a stern look on her face
You clear you're throat, speaking to her is very intimidating
'Yes, since year 1 Draco Malfoy and his friends have been bullying me' you reply
McGonagall looks down at some papers on her desk 'I've required permission from not only professor snape and headmaster Dumbledore but also the sorting hat to move you're houses so you can spend your last 2 and half years here in the Gryffindor house, you don't have to if you wouldn't like to but for your safety I think it'd be best'
Is this a dream? You're whole body fills with joy, you look to McGonagall trying to keep a straight serious face 'thank you professor, I think that'd actually help a lot' you answer
McGonagall looks at you with relief 'we'll have a dorm room set up and new uniforms waiting for you after the holidays dear, you'll have to stay this last night in the Slytherin common room I'm afraid because getting a room ready at this time is to short notice, now off to bed, you don't want to miss the train in the morning'
'Thank you professor' you reply getting up and leaving the officeThe second you step out of the office you're bombarded with all your friends and your boyfriends standing there
'So?' Hermione asked 'what did she say?'
You look at everyone with a huge smile on your face
'Starting after Christmas I'm a new member of the Gryffindor house!' You yell in excitement
Everyone looks at you in disbelief
'How!?' Asked Ron
'Thank Hermione' you say smiling at Hermione and pulling her in for a hug
'I couldn't let you stay there' she says hugging you back
You pull away from the hug and look up at Fred and George who both have huge smiles on their faces
They immediately grab you and both hug you tight
'Let's give them some privacy' says Ginny as she pulls everyone away and starts walking to their common room
'I'm so happy' you say looking up at the twins
Fred lifts you up by your waist and spins you in a circle 'me to!' He yells
'You're making me dizzy!' You laugh
'Now we don't have to worry about blondey and his pug faced girlfriend tormenting you' George implies with a grin
'McGonagall said I have to spend this last night in the Slytherin common room, but when I get back from Christmas I'm moving to your guys common room!' You explain
Fred and George both look upset that they don't get to sleep with you again tonight 'all right, we'll walk you down there' they say in unison
You walk down to the dungeons where the Slytherin common room is, each of your hands in one of the twin's hands
You finally reach the common room, George pulls you into a big hug, he kisses you on your forehead before leaning over and placing his lips on yours, George is a very passionate kisser
He pulls away and Fred immediately goes on his knees so he's at your height level and wraps his arms around your torso, you put your arms around his head and kiss the top of it
Fred pulls his head from your chest and cups your cheeks and gently places a kiss on your lips
You smile at both of them
'We'll be waiting right here for you in the morning, bring your trunk and don't sleep in princess' Fred says with a giggle
'Goodnight you guys' you say planting kisses on each of there cheeks
'Goodnight' they simultaneouslyYou walk into your common room and before you had time to even think you hear 'Stupefy!' And your whole body goes flying back, you slam into the back of a sofa, your head hitting the hard wooden brim
You look up dazed and see non other than Draco Malfoy with his wand still pointed at you
You quickly grab your wand from your back pocket but before you could even think of a spell Draco yells 'expelliarmus!' And your wand goes flying to the other side of the room
'You're really dating those Weasley freaks?' Draco says in an angry tone
'I didn't think you were that much an of idiot, or that desperate' Draco starts walking towards you
Your body is stunned from the stupefy attack Draco did, you can barely move your legs let alone get up and run
Draco kneels down and places his hand on your chin
You avoid eye contact and say 'you sound jealous'
You look him in the eyes and spit in his face
Draco pulls his hand away from your Chin and lifts his arm up and slaps you as hard as he can across your face, you feel blood drip from your nose
Draco looks angry, more angry than you've even seen him before
He moves his face an inch from yours and grabs your hair to pull your head back 'this isn't over L/N'
He puts his knees over one of your hands so you can't move it and uses his unoccupied hand to hold down your other wrist
You can't move at all, you begin to tremble with fear, your breathing becomes very heavy and tears start streaming down your face
'You're lucky your hot' Draco whispers, his lips only an inch from yours
'I hate you' you whimper
Draco pulls your head back harder and forces his lips on yours, you try to yell but you can't speak with his mouth on yours, he tries shoving his tongue in your mouth but you force it closed, he lets go of your wrist and tried to pry your mouth open with his hand
With your free hand you try to push him off unsuccessfully
You dig your nails into his arms in hopes that it'd hurt enough for him to stop but it doesn't work
Finally like a beacon of hope someone starts walking down the stairs
Draco let's go of you and stands up quickly, and runs out of the common room as fast as he possibly can, obviously not wanting to be caught kissing a muggle born witch.
One of the 7th years comes to the bottom of the stairs and yells 'can you shut up? People are trying to sleep' as he angrily walked back upstairsYou sit there on the floor trying to figure out what to do, 'do I go find Fred and George? No Draco is out there somewhere, will they be mad at me?' Your mind races as you sit there crying
You stand up shaking, your whole body feels numb and you feel nauseated, you walk over to where Draco threw your wand and shove it in your back pocket And slowly make your way up to your dorm
You look in the mirror in your room and see a red hand print covering half your face, blood still dripping out of your nose
You have no idea what to think right now, you're I'm complete shock
'Is Draco in love with me?' You think 'was he trying to scare me'
You have no idea what his intentions were, more importantly you have no idea what you're gonna tell your boyfriends.

Gimme love
FanfictionStory follows y/n as she enters her 5th year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry She's always been lonely not having any friends but this year things are gone be different She meets trouble making twins named Fred and George and her life...