You rush back to the castle, your nerves are taking over but you know this is the best thing to do
You run into your common room and put your dress in your wardrobe then head out looking for the twins
You look everywhere and it's begging to feel hopeless, you even check the Gryffindor common room but no luck, the sun is setting and you're loosing hope
You sit outside the castle on a bench watching the sunset
'There you are' you hear behind you
'We've been searching everywhere for you'
You turn around and see the twins
Your face turns beat red and you feel very anxious 'h-hey guys' you say
'Ginny told us you were looking for us, we couldn't find you anywhere, must have been looking at places at different times' said Fred sitting next to you while George sits on the other side of you
'Don't be nervous Y/N, I'm sorry Draco did that' George says looking into your eyes 'he's a spoiled little git and he's gonna pay for what he did' Fred added
Before you can say anything a group of laughing Slytherins being lead by Draco come around the corner 'oh look! It's the blood traders and their mudblood girlfriend' Draco laughs
Fred and George both stand up defensively 'back off malfoy, you don't want us to make you go crying to your daddy do you?' Yells Fred
Draco pulls out his wand and points it at the twins 'back off, or I'll jinx your little mudblood girlfriend'
You start getting filled with rage, you pull your wand out and jump in between the Twins and point your wand at the Slytherins, the rest of dracos gang pulls out there wands but before anyone can cast any spells you yell 'Flipendo!'
Which sends Draco and the rest of his gang flying backwards onto the ground
You grab Fred and George's hands and start running 'let's go!' You guys run to the other side of the castle then plob onto the snow laughing
'That was awesome Y/N' laughed Fred
'I didn't know you had that in you!' George chuckled basically wheezing at this point
After laughing for a solid minute you turn and look at them both 'I'm really sorry guys'
The twins look at each other then look to you 'Y/N , was what Draco saying true?'
Your face turns red and you sit up from laying down and put your face in your hands so they can't see you blushing 'yes, h-he overheard me talking to myself last night, he told everyone and said it was revenge for the boils and cysts' you say quietly
It's quiet for a second and you feel one of them wrap their arms around you
Your heart is beating through your chest but you feel comfortable
You take a deep breath 'you guys don't hate me?'
George pulled your hands away from your face and looks you in the eyes 'we'd never hate you Y/N' he puts his hands on your cheeks keeping eyes contact
Fred wraps his hand around your waist 'if anything it's the opposite'
Your cheeks turn beat red 'so... does that mean you both ... like me ? You ask in a shy tone
'Does this answer your question' George pulls you into a Kiss
his lips are so soft and warm, your stomach is full of butterflies, he pulls away and smiles
Before you can say anything Fred pulls your face toward him and does the same, he's so gentle and he smells amazing
Fred pulls away and smirks
You're completely speechless 'I had no idea you guys felt the same' you smile
'We've been trying to find a way to tell you' said Fred while running his fingers through your hair
'We've liked you since the moment we met you' George smiles 'we didnt have a clue you felt the same, otherwise we would have asked you sooner'
'Asked me what?' You ask
'To the Yule ball of course' they say in unison
'Really!' You yell pulling them both into a hug and falling in the snow again
'Of course I'll go with you guys!' You smile hugging them even harder Fred and George both smile and hug you back
'Can I tell you guys something?' You ask the twins
'Anything' they say simultaneously again
'That was my first kiss' you blush again
The twins look at you not saying anything 'what?' You ask
'You're so cute' fred smiles and pulls you into another kiss
This was the best feeling ever, you've never been this happy to be at Hogwarts before and you couldn't wait for the ball in 2 days

Gimme love
FanficStory follows y/n as she enters her 5th year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry She's always been lonely not having any friends but this year things are gone be different She meets trouble making twins named Fred and George and her life...