Morning finally came and it's already Christmas Eve
You wake up spooning George, your arm wrapped tightly around his chest and your head snuggled into his back, Fred is behind you sleeping in what looks like a very uncomfortable and contorted position which makes you lightly chuckle
You pull your arms from around George and sit up to stretch your arms
'What doing?' Mumbles George as he turns onto his back and let's out a huge yawn
You smile and put your hand on his cheek 'it's Christmas Eve George'
His eyes open wide and he smiles 'oh yeah!' He says loudly waking up Fred Who looks at both of you with shaggy messy hair and his eyes still half asleep 'shhhh' he says quietly
Fred definitely isn't ask graceful as George in the morning
Fred gently puts his head back down but before he could fall back asleep Ginny slams the door open 'wake up clowns! It's Christmas Eve!' She yells as she jumps onto the Fort you guys made last night 'wake up' she yells again laughing as Fred sits up and begins chewing her out for waking him
Hermione stood at the door laughing 'breakfast is done you idiots' she gigglesYou all make your way down stairs, Fred more reluctantly, you smile at him as he looks around grumpily but smiles when he makes eye contact with you.
You all sit at the table as Mrs Weasley passes around plates of toast
'It's gonna be a small breakfast today so you all have room for dinner tonight' Mrs Weasley smiles 'now eat up'
'We should play quidditch!' Says Ron with a mouth full of toast
'Yes!' Says Ginny enthusiastically
Everyone eats as fast as possible then heads outside to play
'Are you gonna play sweetheart?' Fred asks
'I don't know' you answer 'I've never even ridden a broom'
George looks at you excitedly 'we'll teach you!' He says very happily
'I might just watch if that okay guys' you say
'Okay, you're gonna have to keep on eye out for my crazy skills' fred says in a cocky tone
'Yeah right' George follows laughingit's pretty chilly out The sun was lightly shining on the fresh snow, you feel the sunshine slightly through the brisk cold air which was nice
All the boys and Ginny were zooming around on their brooms, you see Hermione sitting on a bench half watching them and half reading some old book
'Hey mione' you say sitting next to her
She smiles at you then looks back down at her book
You notice she looks a little distraught
'What's wrong?' You ask concerned
She lets out a small huff then closes her book 'promise you won't say anything?' She asks
'Of course' you answer
'It's Ron' she sighs 'We went to the ball together and I thought things would be different after that but he still just treats me like one of the boys'
'Have you tried talking to him about it?' You ask
'No, we're always with other people so I never get the chance'
You look down at your feet 'okay I have a plan, when they're done playing quidditch go back to the burrow'
Hermiones face turns a little red 'okay, I'm trusting you' she smiles lightly'That was a fun game' fred says gently punching Harry as they all land on ground
You turn to Hermione and wink, she gets up and starts walking back to the house
'Hey Ron!' You yell ' your mom need help with something'
Ron rolls his eyes and gets on his broom and flies towards the house
You walk towards everyone else and look both ways 'okay guys I need your help' you look at Ginny Harry and the twins and explain what Hermione said to you earlier 'so I have a plan to get them together' you say
'We're listening' Harry answers
'So what I'm thinking is that we tell both Hermione and Ron that we're all planning on having a game night in ginnys room, but none of us show up so the two of them will be there alone so they finally have a chance to talk'
They all nod in agreement
'Harry you'll have to convince Ron to go' you say looking at Harry
'Ginny, George and Fred you come with me' they all nod as you all start walking to the house
'Dinner is done you lot! Go wash up' says Mrs Weasley through the door frame
Harry starts walking up all the stairs to Ron's room
You and Ginny see Hermione at the dinner table with her book
'Mione' says Ginny 'game night in my room after dinner, okay!'
You look at Hermione and raise your eyebrows, her face turns red again then she nods in agreement
Everyone gets into the kitchen, you look at Harry and he gives you a slight thumb up
'Eat up everyone!' Mrs Weasley smiles as she kisses her husband on the cheek
'You coming for game night Ron?' George asks slightly looking over at you with a smile
'Wouldn't miss it, I'm gonna win them all' Ron says confidently
'I doubt that' says Harry with a smile
As Ron sticks his tongue out at him then shovels a ton of mashed potatoes into his mouth'Thank you so much for dinner' you say to Mrs Weasley as she takes your plate
'Your welcome hun' replies Mrs Weasley with a smile
You turn and start walking upstairs into Fred and George's room where Ginny, Harry and the twins were hanging out
You close the door behind you and George grabs his wand and uses spells to lock it from the the outside
'Now they'll have to spend time together' Fred says followed with a evil laugh
You all chuckle and sit on the beds
After hours of laughing and board games you and Ginny decide to go check on them
You sneak down the stairs and quietly open the bedroom door to see Hermione and Ron both asleep on Hermione's bed cuddling
You and Ginny both looks at each other and smile slowly closing the door and rushing back upstairs
'It worked!' You both yell once you get in the room
'I don't have anywhere to sleep now though' Ginny chuckles
Fred looks at George and smirks 'stay with Harry, it's the only option'
Harry face turns red and he lets out a nervous chuckle
Ginny looks and you and smiles 'okay, is that okay with you Harry?'
'Yeah no problem!' Harry says nervously
'Okay, see you guys tomorrow then' says Ginny standing up followed by Harry
'Goodnight' says Harry as he and Ginny leave the room
After they close the door you look at the twins and burst into laughter
'When did we become matchmakers?' Laughs Fred

Gimme love
FanfictionStory follows y/n as she enters her 5th year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry She's always been lonely not having any friends but this year things are gone be different She meets trouble making twins named Fred and George and her life...