Morning came and you stayed in your bed writing in your journal
You want to go to the hall and have breakfast with your friends so bad but knowing Draco he's probably told everyone already
How would they feel ? How would Ginny feel knowing I have a crush with her brothers ? She was your first friend and you really don't wanna loose her
'What if they all hate me?' You think to yourself
You look at your watch it's 9am
'This is gonna be the longest day ever'
You start drowning in your thoughts again, but before you start crying your dorm room door swings open
'Ginny?!' You say confused
'I snuck in here, are you okay' she asked concerned
You look at her, tears filling your eyes 'i...I don't know'
Ginny pulls you into a hug ' I'm not mad at you Y/N, I just hope you're okay, Draco is such an asshole! I wish he'd leave my best friend alone'
You smile holding her tight
'Will you tell me how everything went down?' You ask pulling away from the hug and wiping the tears from your eyes
'Well when everyone was in the great hall for breakfast the word spread very fast, the Slytherin were loudly making jokes about it and Draco chanted L/N loves the Weasley twin freaks, I don't want to scare you but everyone was talking about it' Ginny sighed 'after that I started looking everywhere for you, I snuck past some Slytherins while they were coming in here'
'I see, thank you gin, can I ask how did your brothers react?'
'I didn't actually notice, I was to focused on looking for you'
'Oh' you sighed 'what should I do ?' You ask
'Why don't you come to hogsmeade with Hermione and me? It'll get your mind off everything, and you could get a dress for the ball! You're going and you cant say no!' Ginny smiled standing up
You smile and get out of bedYou walked out of your common room with Ginny, you haven't seen the twins yet and you're still riddled with anxiety
You guys meet up with Hermione and start walking towards hogsmeade
'Did you see how the twins reacted mione?'
You ask
'Well, once draco yelled, they both looked at each other and just kinda took off and I haven't seen them since'
You look down at your feet in worryYou guys finally reach hogsmeade, it's covered in snow and full of Hogwarts students, it feels like everyone is watching you, you can feel everyone's eyes on you
The three of you walk into a dress boutique and almost immediately Ginny and Hermione start throwing you dresses to try on
After trying on over 10 dresses you finally find one you like
It's a long red spaghetti strap princess styled dress with red sparkles, you walk out of the changing room
'Oh my god! Y/N you look beautiful!' Yelled Hermione
'That's the one! It's your colour!' Ginny said excitedly
You smile, this dress fits you perfectly
'Thank you guys, you made my day a million times better'
You pay for the dress and leave the store with smiles on your faces
You start walking towards the hogs head to get some butterbeer and lunch, you and the girls talk over butterbeer about the Yule ball and make plans to get ready together
You're very grateful that you have friends now, especially after a day like this
'You know what guys ? When I get back to the castle I'm gonna find the twins and talk to them, I'm not gonna let what Draco did ruin my holidays' you exclaimed
'That's probably a good idea, they're probably worried that they haven't seen you all day, especially considering what happened today' Hermione expressed
And With determination you start walking back to Hogwarts.((AUTHORS NOTE- guys I promise that the twins will be in the next chapter!))

Gimme love
FanfictionStory follows y/n as she enters her 5th year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry She's always been lonely not having any friends but this year things are gone be different She meets trouble making twins named Fred and George and her life...