You woke up early for your morning classes, taking three deep breaths before getting out of bed to brush your teeth and hair
You put on your uniform and make your way down the stairs into the Common room, your heart was racing in fear that Draco would be down there alone again
Once at the bottom, you see a group of Slytherin students surrounding someone, you walk a little closer to see Draco holding his face 'I'm hideous' he whines
'Cmon Draco it can't be that bad' says pansy rubbing his back
'You tell me!' He yells moving his hands to reveal huge cyst and boils all over his whole face, so big that they looked like they were pulsating
'Didn't Madam pomfrey say they'd be gone in a couple days' said goyle trying to hide himself laughing
'I cant go to classes like this you git' yelled Draco getting up and heading for the staircase giving you a dirty look on his wayYou exit the common room to see Fred and George both waiting for you there you give them one look and just Burst out in laughter
Fred and George look at you confused
'Well come on tell us why your laughing' they say
'Draco...face' you say between your laughter
'It worked' yelled Fred giving George a high-five
You tell them everything while walking to the great hall for breakfastYou have most of your classes with Harry Ron and Hermione as you're the same year as them and for the next few weeks you hung out with your new gryiffdor friends
Fred and George wait for you every morning outside the common room and since that night with Draco he's left you alone, a few dirty looks passed but that's about it
You still have a crippling crush on on both Fred and George which is quite confusing considering they're twin brothers
You confide in Hermione who's the only person who knows about your predicament
You spend most of your time with George and Fred, they act almost as body guards to you and are very protective over you
You are much more comfortable with them now and help them come up with pranks and schemes and ideas for the joke shop they wanna open up'Hey Y/N!' Says Ginny running towards you in the great hall
'Hi!' You smile
'We're throwing a Halloween party in the gryffindor common room, you should come' she asks sitting next to you
'Would it be weird, I mean I am a Slytherin' you say in a slightly depressing tone
'Y/N! We all love you of course we want you to come' she says jokingly punching you in the shoulder
'Alright!' You chuckle 'you're gonna have to sneak me in though gin' you smile
You were actually quite nervous, you're probably one of the only Slytherins ever that get the privilege of seeing the Gryffindor common room, not only that but Fred and George are gonna be there, it's not like you don't see them everyday but this is a completely different settingAfter your classes that day you run to your common room trying to get ready for the party as fast as possible, you wear a green pullover hoodie and black leggings and put a little bit of makeup on, you almost never wear makeup but you figured this was a special occasion
Your stomach is full of butterflies at the thought of hanging out and partying with the twins
excitement takes over you and you let out a tiny squealYou leave the common room full of joy and make your way to the Gryffindor common room, trying your hardest not to get caught by filch
'There you are!' Said Ginny as you finally arrive
'We almost thought you weren't coming!' Laughed Ginny grabbing your hand and dragging you towards the fat lady painting
'Caput Draconis' says Ginny
The painting swung open to reveal the Gryffindor common room
The room was warm and full of paintings and covered in several shades of red
The room is circular and full of comfy armchairs
'Wow' you admire looking around as Ginny pulls you in
'There you are Y/N!' Says Fred wrapping his arm around you
'We figured you ditched out on us' chuckled George
The room was full of Gryffindor students all dancing and laughing
No one even seemed to care or notice that a Slytherin girl was there
'Thank you so much for inviting me gin' you said hugging her
'Thank those bozos they're the ones who made me ask you' she laughed pointing at george and Fred
Both their faces turned red and they let out an awkward laugh
Butterflies fill your stomach yet again
'Well let's party' You say breaking the awkward silence
One of the Gryffindor students somehow snuck a little bit of liquor into the common room much to Hermione's disappointment you, the twins and Ron and a few other students indulged in it
Ron was completely hammered as he was speaking nonsense And you and the twins watched laughing your asses off
Slowly one by one everyone started going to bed and eventually it was just you and the twins laughing drunk telling jokes
You could tell that the twins weren't as drunk as you which made you feel a little weird but you were having fun so it didn't bother you
Until your stomach started to turn
'Uh guys' you hiccuped 'I really don't feel good'
'Y/N are you okay ? Want some water' said George standing up from the floor
'Uh no I think I'm gonna be sick'
Fred stands up as well helping you up from the floor
Your legs feel like jello and your body feels weak
'Let's get you to the bathroom'
They slowly started walking you to the washroom each holding one of your hands to help you walk
You start to feel really guilty 'I think I ruined their night' you thought to yourself
The three of you reach the prefect bathrooms
You run to the nearest toilet and immediately throw up, fred and George standing outside the stall to make sure you're okay
You flush your vomit down the toilet and open the stall door, immediately feeling extremely embarrassed
'I'm so sorry guys' you Huff and slowly start to cry
'No no no no no no y/n don't worry it's okay' George says in a worried tone, going down on his knees to reach your height and wipe your tears
'It happens to the best of us y/n' Fred says giving you a kind smile
Your heart flutters and your cheeks turn red
'I think I'm to drunk still to make it back to my common room' you say letting out a small sniffle
'Don't worry about that y/n you'll stay with us tonight, we gotta make sure you're okay' Fred says taking your hand again
Your heart is racing now
'I'm gonna have a sleepover with the twins' you think to yourself
Your legs start to feel really wobbly and you feel like your about to collapse
George noticed and stands up and lifts you off the ground, carrying you bridal style
The twins start walking you back to their common room, you have your arms wrapped around George's neck and your face buried in his shoulder half asleep
The twins must have thought you were asleep as they stopped in their track
Fred stands in front of George and places his hand on your head, gently touching your hair
'When should we tell her Georgie' he whispers
'We've gotta do it soon, I don't know how much longer i could keep it in' George replied
They continued their way back to the Gryffindor common room
'What could they mean?' You thought to yourself
But before you could ask you passed out in his arms

Gimme love
FanfictionStory follows y/n as she enters her 5th year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry She's always been lonely not having any friends but this year things are gone be different She meets trouble making twins named Fred and George and her life...