You wake up to the smell of freshly cooked bacon
You sit up very quickly and turn to your sleeping boyfriends and begin shaking the living hell out of them
'Christmas!' You yell as their eyes spring open
You hear Ron banging on the door
'Wake up you lot! It's Christmas' he yells then stomps back down the stairs
You stand up as fast as you can and start stretching your arms
'Cmon you guys' you say looking at the twins
Fred pulls you back down into the bed and tightly wraps his arms around you
'Happy Christmas y/n' he says kissing your cheek
He lets go of you and you're immediately met with George's arms wrapped around your waist
'Happy Christmas princess' he says looking into your eyes and gently placing a kiss on your lips
'Happy Christmas Georgie, happy Christmas Freddie' you reply smiling
The three of you finally get up, you throw on a hoodie as it's a very cold Christmas morning and put your hair up in an unbrushed bun
You all walk down stairs hand in hand
'Happy Christmas you three!' Says mr Weasley with a Christmas cracker crown on his head
'Happy Christmas dad' the twins both say with smiles on their faces
You look at the couch where Hermione and Ron both sat, Ron's head was rested on hermiones shoulder as he's half asleep
You look at Hermione who is wearing an oversized sweater with a large R on it and smiles, she smiles back and blushes looking over at a dozing off Ron
'It worked' you whisper to your boyfriends smiling
Ginny runs up and hugs you from behind 'happy Christmas y/n!' She yells making you laugh'Presents after breakfast!' Says mrs Weasley ushering everyone to the dining table
'Eat up' she says handing out some perfectly cooked bacon and eggs
You all try to wolf down your food as fast as possible
After breakfast you all gather around the chimney where a handful of colourfully wrapped gifts sat in all different shapes and sizes
'Here' says Fred handing you a mug full of peppermint eggnog
'Thank you Freddie' you say with a smile
Mr Weasley uses his wand to start the fire place 'alright Weasleys' he says 'and friends' he follows looking at you Hermione and Harry with a smile
'Go ahead and open your gifts' says mr Weasley as he sits on the sofa next to his wife
To your surprise, mr and Mrs Weasley had something wrapped for you
Ginny hands it to you 'here, it's for you y/n' you grab the beautifully wrapped gift from Ginny
There is a small note on top the the gift that read'Welcome to the family, y/n. Love- The Weasleys'
'You guys didn't have to get me anything!' You say looking up smiling
'Well of course we did dear!
You're family now' says Mrs Weasley with a smile
Somehow no matter what she says it's the most comforting thing in the world
You gently unwrap the present,
Inside is a dark red knitted sweater, on the front is the fist letter of your name in a shiny gold yarn
You look at it in awe
'I don't know what to say, thank you guys so much' you say looking at all the Weasleys
'We thought we'd get mum to make it in red and gold as an official welcome to Gryffindor' says Ron cheerfully
You smile back at all of them, your heart feeling warm and mushy
'I love it' you say as you pull it over your head
'Perfect fit' says Mrs Weasley as she stands up and gives you a tight hug
You look over at Harry and Hermione who were also receiving hugs and sweaters from Mrs WeasleyYou all proceeds to open all the gifts, you decided to wait until after to give your boyfriends their presents because you want it to just be you and them
'Sorry it's not much' you say as you hand Ron Harry Ginny and Hermione the bags of candy you got them
'It's more than enough' says Ron as
He gives you an awkward side hug
'I'm glad you guys like it' you say with a smile
You grab the two gifts you bought mr and Mrs Weasley and hand it to them smiling
'It's not much but I wanted to thank you guys for letting me stay here for the holidays' you say with a smile
'y/n! You shouldn't have' says Mrs Weasley standing up and bringing you into an embrace
'You are to sweet dear' she says finally letting you go
Mr Weasley grabs you hands and smiles 'never thought the boys would bring home such a sweet girl' he says letting go of you hands
You turn back and sit next to the twins
'You got our parents gifts?' Asks Fred in whisper
'Of course' you reply with a smile
'You're literally perfect' George says as he grabs your hand and wraps his around yours
You blush and squeeze his handAfter you're all finished opening your gifts everyone goes their separate ways to hangout or show off what they got for Christmas
'Go into the room I'll be there in a second' you shout to the twins as You grab the wrapped broomsticks that you bought the twins out of the closet you kept them in And carry them upstairs
'Okay guys' you say from outside the door 'close your eyes'
You open the door and set the brooms in front of them, it's quite difficult to wrap brooms in wrapping paper so it's pretty obvious what they are
'Okay' you say sitting down 'open your eyes'
The twins both open their eye and look down in shock
'You didn't!' Says Fred amazed
They both tear off the wrapping paper excitedly
'Y/n!' Says George loudly 'these are like 300 galleons' he says shocked
You giggle 'Ginny says these are the best ones for beaters, and I know you guys are in need of new ones'
They look at you astounded
'Do you like them?' You ask nervously, worried that maybe you got the wrong ones or that maybe they don't like them
'Are you kidding me! This is the best gift we've ever gotten' Fred says as he pulls you into a really aggressive but nice hug
'How are you so perfect' says George as he joins the hug and squeezes you tightly
You laugh quietly, having both of them wrapped around you is like heaven on earth
'Okay your turn y/n' says Fred as they both let go of you
'Close your eyes' they say in unison
You close your eyes and smile
'Put you hands out' they say simultaneously again
You cautiously put your hands out in front of you
You feel them place a small box in your hands
'Okay open your eyes' says George eagerly
You open your eyes to see a small blue box
You look up at them and smile
'Well, open it' Fred says grinning
You open the small box to see two small orange earrings
You smile and cover my mouth 'I love them!'
'Wait! Before you say anything else' says Fred looking at George
'There is one more thing' George follows
Smiling at Fred
'We'd like to officially ask you to be the the third co-owner of Weasleys wizards wheezes' they say simultaneously
You look at them shocked
Opening their joke shop has been the twins dream their whole life
It's almost all they talk about and the fact that they want you to be apart of it is a huge deal
You don't even know what to say, you just look at them astounded
'Well, do you accept?' Asks Fred asks eagerly
'Of course!' you blurt out
The twins look at each other smiling
You grab both of them and hug them as tight as you can
'Let's go outside! I wanna see how your new brooms work' you say letting go, kissing them both on the cheeksThe twins gets outside as fast as possible, you sit in the snow with Mrs Weasley and Hermione, smiling and giggling as the twins, Ron, Harry and Ginny all take turns on Fred and George's new brooms
Nothing can take this feeling from you, watching them smile and laugh, seeing them look at you like you're the most perfect thing in the world
The way Fred laughs with a snort and how charismatic and silly he is
The way George is so gentle and romantic
How they both can cheer you up when you're sad within secondsBut sadly, it's not forever.

Gimme love
FanfictionStory follows y/n as she enters her 5th year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry She's always been lonely not having any friends but this year things are gone be different She meets trouble making twins named Fred and George and her life...