Chapter 15•the burrow

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The Weasley family rented a few muggle taxis in order to get the burrow
You rode with mr Weasley, Fred and George
They made you sit in the front because you were the only one with experience in a taxi as you are a muggle born.
Mr Weasley looked at you in awe as the taxi driver talks to you about muggle sports and politics

You guys finally reach the burrow, their house screams Weasley
The house looked extremely crooked, it's obviously had to have been held up by magic
You thank the taxi driver and step out of the door and smile
George gets out as well and stands next to you 'it's not much, but it's home' he smiled
'It's perfect' you replied giving him a huge grin

You guys all huddle into the house, the inside shocks you, you can tell a family of wizards live here as There is magic in every corner
'Hermione, y/n, you guys will be staying upstairs in Ginnys room' said Mrs Weasley as you scurries you and the other girls to the stairs
You were bummed out that you couldn't stay with the twins but you understand, plus you were way to awestruck looking around to really care that much

Ginnys room is on the first floor landing right above the kitchen
The walls of her room are covered in posters of her favourite quidditch team the holyhead harpies
The room was quite small but Mrs Weasley fit 2 small mattresses on the floor for Hermione and you
Fred and George both appeared at the door 'hello ladies' they say in unison
'What do you two knobheads wants' Ginny a asks in a sarcastic tone
'Just gonna borrow y/n for a minute' says Fred, nodding his head to follow him
You smile and oblige
They lead you upstairs to their bedroom, their room is right above Ginnys
And it looks exactly how you expected and more, there is posters everywhere and Gryffindor pride merchandise
It's a mess, but not in a bad way it's more like sorted clutter, it smells just like them which makes you feel overwhelmingly happy, they both smell so good.
Sorted on the floor where piles of boxes that read 'Weasleys' wizard wheezes'
'We wanted to show you what we have so far' George smiles sitting down on the floor
They show you everything Extendable Ears, a Reusable Hangman, Skiving Snack-boxes, Love Potions, Ten-Second Pimple Vanishers, they even have some muggle magic trick stuff and so much more
'This stuff is awesome' you smile in excitement
'Well we're glad you like it' Fred says while wrapping him arm around you
You smile and lean into his hold
'I wish I could stay with you guys' you pout
'Don't you worry about that' George smiles holding your hand
'We'll figure something out' Fred says planting a kiss on your temple which makes you smile and blush
'dinner!' You hear Mrs Weasley call from the kitchen
Fred and George each give you a small kiss and before you all head downstairs George whispers 'go to the bathroom at 12am okay princess?'
You nod with a blush

Mrs Wesley made beef casserole with pudding for dessert
'Christmas Eve tomorrow I'll make a bigger dinner so save some room' Mrs Weasley smiles while handing everyone their plates
Her cooking was extremely good, even better than what you get served at Hogwarts

After dinner you and Ginny help mrs Weasley clean up
'Mum, did me and y/n's packages come in for Christmas?' Ginny asks while scrubbing a plate
'Yes dear, they're in the closet over there' Mrs Weasley says pointing at the other side of the room
After you're done cleaning you and Ginny wrap all your gifts for everyone and by the time you're done it's already late

You Ginny and Hermione all sit in Ginny room reading magazines and talking about what you got everyone for Christmas
By now Mr and Mrs Weasley were both asleep And you notice Ginny and Hermione both dozing off
'I'm gonna go to the bathroom' you whisper
'Yeah right, have fun with the twins' Hermione laughs as you jokingly punch her in the shoulder giggling
You get up and start walking to the washroom
It's so dark and you can't see a thing, you cautiously step up the stairs, the second you reach the top step you're immediately swept off of your feet
'Fred!' You say in a whisper/yell 'you scared the daylight out of me'
Fred quietly chuckles and carries you into his room
'Got the precious cargo?' George jokingly asks ask Fred throws you onto one of the beds causing you to giggle
'What if your parents find out I'm in here?' You ask after you finish laughing
'They won't care' Fred answers and sits next you on the bed
'We'll just tell them you were having a nightmare' George follows
Fred puts his hand on your cheek and gently rubs it 'the hand mark is gone' he says in a soft voice that sends shivers up your spine
'We're glad you're okay y/n' George says in a similar voice as he sits on the other side of you
You haven't really been thinking about what happened with Draco, you're just so happy be to here with your boyfriends that it just kinda slipped your mind
You lightly smile and rest your head on George's shoulder
'I'm so lucky to have you guys' you say which causes both the twins's faces to turn red
You look up from George's shoulder and look at both of them and smile
They're so handsome, especially in a domestic setting
You look back down 'why are all your pillows and blankets on the floor?' You ask with a giggle
'Our beds are to small for two people so we thought we'd pillow Fort' it for tonight' Fred laughs and slides onto the floor
The three of you make a huge pillow Fort, and since the twins are of age they can use magic outside of Hogwarts so they make it super cool
They use the Undetectable Extension Charm to make it really big inside and use a silencing spell so no one outside the Fort can hear any of you
They put a few flashlights inside so that you guys could see a little bit and George pulls out a huge bag of candy
'This is the reserve' he jokes as he pours a mountain of candy onto the blanket

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