lucky me

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Waking up has always been the part of Y/N's day that she hated, but she had to do it anyway. Messy hair and morning breath, Y/N walked around her New York flat practically crawling to the bathroom, here was Y/N 's  safe place, she felt like whatever she did in the bathroom could change the whole day, does she wear eye liner? Put in her nose ring? What hairstyle? There were so many options and it was the only place she felt like she was in control.

After about 30 minutes she had eaten breakfast, gotten changed, and managed to actually make her bed for once. She decided that her outfit would be simple yet a little out of her comfort zone. Even showing a little bit of belly made Y/N feel like this, even though she thought she'd started fresh somehow the past still controlled her.

A quick 10 minute drive in her small Ford, she arrived at the small bar on a corner of a unpopular street, yet somehow everyone knew this bar and eventually everyone knew her. She was about to get out of her car when her phone vibrated, it was Elijah, her friend for what felt like forever but since only moving from London 6 years ago it wasn't that long.

Elijah: Where are you hoe?!

Y/N didn't reply and simply entered the bar and yelled sarcastically "I'm right here". She wasn't even late, actually 2 minutes early, he's always been dramatic. He's that type of friend that has to know where you are at all times or he'll lose his mind of boredom. "Ready for the long shift?" Asked Elijah "never been more ready, just like every other Friday."
Y/N looked at him confused.
"You look like you haven't slept in ages"
"Well thank you Elijah. And I have been sleeping a lot better actually."
She was lying and he knew it too, he always knows when Y/N is lying, but he won't ever question it because that's the one subject that Y/N doesn't talk about.

"You ready guys?" Jack asked
Jack was a cool boss. He was nice. He understood everything. Sometimes he even lets Y/N of work, I like jack he's also a good friend, like Elijah he supported me when I came out as bi-sexual.

"Yes boss"
"Yes Jack"
Y/N and Elijah said at the same time.
"Good because it's gonna be rammed tonight"


By this time Y/N's feet were always hurting. This also made her grouchy, she was very easily annoyed and you wouldn't want to be around her when she has one of her moments. It was around 8:30 pm and she was already dreading the night, these nights especially lasted forever. Every person that walked through the door gave Y/N a little nod, everyone knew her. Sometimes she didn't even look up when taking orders and just nodded. All the orders and making the drinks happened so quick she would never stop for anyone to say hi, she was looking down making a drink when a deep Australian accent caught her attention.

I hope you're enjoying this story feel free to leave request and comments all the love is appreciated. Also this is my first story so please, be kind, thank you ❤️

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